Bicycle fitting nightmare

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My approach to sizing it to make correct reach your priority, using a stem of reasonable length to maintain normal steering. 8-12cm is the normal range.
Then pick a style of frame ( trad horizontal, sloping or v compact) that gives adaquate standover without massively over extended seatpost.
You have look at different brands or models to get slight changes in geometry in the same " size".


As long as I breathe, I attack.
looking at your bike pic it does look a bit big for you , obviously cant say without seeing you on it , this is mine same nominal frame i think and im only half an inch taller ?



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Casual Extremist
Not at my post
Do you find those bars too big, in width and drop?
The bars are Specialized shallow drop. They are 420mm wide with a 100mm reach and 140mm drop as far as I can tell. I have some 440mm Prime Doyenne aero bars with a 125mm drop and 75mm reach. My shoulders measure up at 420mm so I should be OK with the 440mm bars.
As I said earlier, I just seem to be having trouble getting off the hoods and into the drops. I start feeling a little unbalanced as I try to move my hands down.


Casual Extremist
Not at my post
No way should you be on a 54 cm frame.
Small sounds about right.
Photo from the side of you on the bike in kit and extending the leg to the bottom would give us an idea.



Do these help?
That is a very upright position for the hoods. I would use that back angle riding on the tops. My back is around 45 degrees on the hoods and I rarely venture onto drops, only downhill or a headwind.

Also your knee angle at the top of the stroke is very small . A smaller crank length would reduce the range of angles required and keep you in a more efficient zone. Look at video of a pro road rider, not their back angle but the range of motion of their hip and knees.
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Phil Pip
Maybe just me but looks like some thing very bad wrong with that bike fit? Only my opinion there will be far better that me to put there view across but looks like your saddle is far to far forward? Theres no way i could cycle like that? Again only my view and will look more latter to try and make my mind up but just looks wrong to me?


Casual Extremist
Not at my post
Maybe just me but looks like some thing very bad wrong with that bike fit? Only my opinion there will be far better that me to put there view across but looks like your saddle is far to far forward? Theres no way i could cycle like that? Again only my view and will look more latter to try and make my mind up but just looks wrong to me?
Thank you for your input, it's genuinely appreciated. Obviously I can't see what I look like riding and have no clue as to what I'm doing wrong as I am a complete novice.
IMO Looks to me as if your saddle is too low and too far forward. Agree you look very upright on the hoods. Almost cramped, hence awkward getting on the drops?
I must admit that I don't feel cramped when riding. I will try moving the saddle forward. As to my position, remember my span is 173cm so my arms are about 35mm longer than standard which will push me a little more upright than standard.
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