bike to small or too big can be damaging?

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New Member
just wondering, that if a bike is too small or too big for your size from your shoulder to the handle bar reach for adults or kids that it can be damaging to your back?


Senior Member
I don't think it's bad for your bad but it's not good either.

I know that when you pedal you should not fully extend your leg as it's bad for the knee joint. It the same with weight training or even the pedals on a car.


Perry said:
I know that when you pedal you should not fully extend your leg as it's bad for the knee joint. It the same with weight training or even the pedals on a car.
.. even on my pedal car ?? ;):biggrin:
Especially on drop bars, too big a top tube length will tend to have you reaching far forward with more of your weight continuously on your hands as a consequence, even given that you may try to vary position by riding on the hoods occasionally (not good if your ability to brake is compromised by doing so). Riding any distance like that will tend to give you sore hands if you are at all succeptible to them. Reaching further forward also means your head will be lower, which in turn can give you a crick in your neck as you're constantly raising your head to get an adequate view of the road.

This is one of the reasons for the number of people who dislike drop bars and who prefer straight bars instead with their more upright riding position.
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