Admin said:The forum is, yes, been on it this morning and it's working fine.
yello said:Well, I'll be darned. It's working fine now. Must be something I said!
domtyler said:Maybe you'd typed Bike Gaydar by mistake?
Dayvo said:Especially if he was looking for 'new rides' or 'dirt biking'!
domtyler said:Maybe you'd typed Bike Gaydar by mistake?
Patrick Stevens said:And compounded it by typing "Seeks young muscular black man."
domtyler said:Ah, all is becoming clear! It was obviously at this point that his wife walked in and caught him and he cooked the whole "Oh, um, er, hello love, yes I was just looking for a Cycling Forum and this filth just jumped up on my screen , I'd better email Cycle Chat to see if they know what's going on...."
Patrick Stevens said:And in the meantime, his wife is telling a muscular young black man that he's definitely got the wrong address..................................