Boy that's Blond!

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Well-Known Member
I have had a couple of blond moments on the bike recently: -

1) Was cycling to work and started hearing a clacking/ringing coming from the front wheel (or so I thought!) I was thinking 'oh god has a spoke come loose, is the wheel going to fall apart - I can't be late for work' so stopped and checked ever spoke in the front wheel, but all seemed fine, so I got on the bike again and rode on, but was still hearing the noise, and was getting really worried, made it into work ok, and wiped my brow! Took it really easy on the way home, just in case. It was only when I took my panniers off the bike that I noticed that one of the stays for the rear mudguard had worked loose of its bolt and was waving about, banging on the spokes - oops!

2) Was cycling home today and was hearing this 'clunk' 'clunk' 'clunk' coming from the crank/pedals and was wondering 'oh dear, am I going to lose a pedal, is the crank going to fall apart' went on being careful and trying not to hammer the bike, it was only when I happened to look down past the lower rail/chain stay of the frame that I noticed that the crank was hitting the stand on every revolution! D'oh

Really should engage that brain sometimes!

rich p

ridiculous old lush
One usually fears the worst. I get a headache and assume it's a brain tumour


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
I forgot my bike had no brakes.

I realise this will take some explaining! :biggrin: In the autumn I set up an MTB on my turbo trainer. My slick tyres are a very tight fit so I decided to put them on some spare wheels to save hassle. Only problem was the spare wheels didn't have disc brake rotors attached. No problem, I thought, this was for a turbo trainer. Unfortunately this was a crucial detail that I forgot about when I decided to try the slicks on the road. Had to do that thing BMX kids do where they use their shoe on the back wheel as a brake. ;)

I'm an idiot. :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Another set of (motor)cycling blond moments: -

Was riding to see a friend when the bike started getting slower and slower and misfiring, I though 'oh god, I'm in the middle of nowhere, I've forgotten my phone, what do I do if it conks out before I get there' I ground to a halt at the side of the road. It was only then that I had forgotten to turn the petrol on, and due to the fact I was on the flat and not hitting any hills, it took several miles for the engine to starve!

Then there was when I thought I'd blown the headlight bulb - got on to go to work one night and put full beam on, nothing happened, the instrument lights were on so knew that the lights were on, it was only then that I had put the sidelight on and not the headlight!


Well-Known Member
The reason I was worried the pedal or crank was falling apart was I have had the LH crank flying off down the road on two different bikes - caused a rather painful meeting of crossbar and anatomy, and almost a date with a hedge!

Night Train

Maker of Things
My motorbike blond moment was stopping outside my house on my Harley and getting off to open the drive way gates.

I remembered to put the kickstand down, having forgotten the time before, but got off the wrong side of the bike leaning it over as I went. The bruise on my leg where the bike landed was with me for weeks. :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Oww and them Hogs ain't light! I stalled the Honda outside work, couldn't catch it and so dropped it (gently!) with loads of the kids watching! They didn't let me forget it for a while!


I have a blonde guinea pig when ever he's out his cage and someone goes to either go out or come in the front door he runs to it and parks himself solidly next to it meanning I have to physically lift him out the way, when people who have keys come round I have to text them in advance to warn them otherwise the poor lads sent flying (its the laddy in my aviator)
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