Britain by Bike

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I like Clare Balding! Admittedly, she's got unforgivably upper-class hair, and if she looked any posher she'd explode, but once you get past that she's rather professional, articulate and genuine. Mind you, the style crimes are hard to forgive, especially as she fancies herself as a bit of a fashion icon. :ohmy:

Apparently in Bejing she out drank all the blokes on a night out.

As one guy put it, "she was still going strong in the morning." Ooerr!


Über Member
You've been tickled by Clare Balding's hair? Way to go, Potsy!

How's he managed that? The OP said she was balding in the saddle.....


Well-Known Member
Is it really necessary to make jokes about the view from the rear/her weight? Just because she's a woman in the media doesn't mean she's fair game for comments on her personal appearance. (Though I will concede that she does have very upper class hair.)


Started young, and still going.
Good point. Looks like she's planning to do it on a double!

Apparently it is the original bike of the author of the book she is following, Harold Briercliffe.


I got the feeling that she probably only rode bits for the camera. Not that it wasn't an interesting enough wee programme.


Dog on a bike
Sorry but I did think this programme was very poor. I don't think Clare Balding was the right presenter for it either. It just didn't fit together properly. Even being called Britain by Bike was a bit of a misnomer as there was about 1 min of CB cycling (and I agree with previous poster, it was probably only the bits on camera!). I know it's about Harold Briercliffe's books more than anything else but it just didn't gel right. My missus gave up after around 1 min but I did make it through to the end.



Legendary Member
Sorry but I did think this programme was very poor. I don't think Clare Balding was the right presenter for it either. It just didn't fit together properly. Even being called Britain by Bike was a bit of a misnomer as there was about 1 min of CB cycling (and I agree with previous poster, it was probably only the bits on camera!). I know it's about Harold Briercliffe's books more than anything else but it just didn't  gel right. My missus gave up after around 1 min but I did make it through to the end.


Hmmm - have to say I tend to agree. A few bits of nice landscape and a few chats with old fellers do not a great tv programme make. I think 'very poor' is a bit strong - it was a pleasant enough way to pass half an hour. But it didn't really hang together. It was all a bit shapeless, a bit half-baked.


Dog on a bike
Yeah ok then I'll take back the very poor. And you put what I was trying to say much more succinctly anyway. It wasn't bad enough for me not to watch next week's although I think I'll have to Sky+ it and watch it while the missus is out.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
I watched it. Good that cycling gets this exposure, but it would be better if they had a presenter that can actually ride a bike. I spotted her stumble to a stop on at least 3 occasions.

And I managed to critique the program without mentioning her sex, bum or hair.
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