British Cycling's New Sponsor

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This "selective action" of leafleting to end HSBC links and only giving up BC membership after HSBC stopped their sponsorship and only when Shell got involved - do you seriously expect me to believe that this is a thing and that you didn't just make it up because it fitted your argument? Qualifying the statement with "appeared" doesn't make it work.

Someone upthread said they did leaflet outside of BC about HSBC not being a suitable sponsor. I believe that poster had said they stopped their membership of BC earlier and the reply about leafletting was on reply to a post about only getting so bothered about Shell when HSBC is possibly as bad. I believe it was them justifying their protest over Shell by saying they also protested over HSBC.

Take a look.

PS I've been reading similar threads on other forums so it could be on other cycling threads. If posters on cycling forums can be trusted then it is a thing. If they can't then who's to say any of you have torn up your membership cards or done anything. Either way I prefer to believe that people actually do act about things they perceive as being wrong, even if I don't agree with them.


Someone upthread said they did leaflet outside of BC about HSBC not being a suitable sponsor. I believe that poster had said they stopped their membership of BC earlier and the reply about leafletting was on reply to a post about only getting so bothered about Shell when HSBC is possibly as bad. I believe it was them justifying their protest over Shell by saying they also protested over HSBC.

Take a look.

PS I've been reading similar threads on other forums so it could be on other cycling threads. If posters on cycling forums can be trusted then it is a thing. If they can't then who's to say any of you have torn up your membership cards or done anything. Either way I prefer to believe that people actually do act about things they perceive as being wrong, even if I don't agree with them.

I took a look - it didn't happen:[thread]=288189&o=relevance
I think that you might be miss-attributing those actions to me as I was the only one to mention anti-HSBC leafleting (at City Rides). I take this as a caveat about anything else you claim to have read in other forums. It's not whether people have cancelled their BC membership that was the problem in your post - it was your generalised claim of collective selective action and a cynical take on a supposed sequence of events by those that disapproved of both HSBC and Shell as sponsors - for all intent purposes, those selective actions and sequence of events are unfounded fabrications of yours to support your spiel.


I hope all you upset by the Shell sponsorship are getting rid of your cars to show you mean it. Otherwise its just more of nothing,

I've never had a car and I've never been a member of BC.

EDIT: This is tantamount to "you can't be critical of capitalism and have a job/buy products" declarations. An individual's requirement for a car, petrochemical products or for energy is mostly a product of society and outside of their control. Doesn't mean they should put up and shut up if they continue to be part of that society.
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"The agreement includes specific investment from Shell UK to support a new programme – to be named Limitless - which aims to break down the barriers disabled people face when accessing cycling.

The ambition is to embed disability and para sport into the heart of communities and develop a clear pathway from local to elite performance, with the funding helping to create inclusive and accessible environments for disabled riders across British Cycling’s 2,000 registered clubs. The programme will be launched, and further details on how to access the funding made available, by the end of the year. "

This from their statement on their website.

I can't bold on mobile for some reason but to me my most things mportant thing is BREAK DOWN BARRIERS. I would love to see those horrible metal contraptions blocking many cycle routes removed. Cycling V2&dm_i=480K,1FAVH,Y8S2K,6LF12,1
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Legendary Member
I can't bold on mobile for some reason but to me my most things mportant thing is BREAK DOWN BARRIERS. I would love to see those horrible metal contraptions blocking many cycle routes removed. News | 13/10/22&utm_medium=email&utm_source=British Cycling V2&dm_i=480K,1FAVH,Y8S2K,6LF12,1

Then you need something else to deter the delivery idiots on motorbikes/mopeds from using the cycle path to avoid having to go the long way round…happens around here with monotonous regularity :sad:


Resolutely on topic
I hope all you upset by the Shell sponsorship are getting rid of your cars to show you mean it. Otherwise its just more of nothing,

I found out that Greta used a plastic carrier bag once, so why should I care about climate change now?
Then you need something else to deter the delivery idiots on motorbikes/mopeds from using the cycle path to avoid having to go the long way round…happens around here with monotonous regularity :sad:

Metal rod through the front wheel might help 🤭

In all seriousness nothing will deter them IMO, my recent ride on a wonderful off road and paved greenaway route was ruined every couple miles by these contraptions.

Maybe we should extend the [Forgot the name!] Key Scheme for disabled toilets to includes gates.

Ps Is it RADAR?


Legendary Member
Metal rod through the front wheel might help 🤭

In all seriousness nothing will deter them IMO, my recent ride on a wonderful off road and paved greenaway route was ruined every couple miles by these contraptions.

Maybe we should extend the [Forgot the name!] Key Scheme for disabled toilets to includes gates.

Ps Is it RADAR?

Can't you just walk round them, or scoot. I do if there's not space to manoeuvre or my skill is lacking :wacko: Only a few seconds to negotiate.

CCTV and prosecution of idiot mopedists would be a start. Maybe Shell would like to fund the cameras and review :whistle:
Can't you just walk round them, or scoot. I do if there's not space to manoeuvre or my skill is lacking :wacko: Only a few seconds to negotiate.

CCTV and prosecution of idiot mopedists would be a start. Maybe Shell would like to fund the cameras and review :whistle:

Not the ones I'm thinking of. You're motivating me to take my bike back there and get some pics to send to someone to moan at though lol.
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