Cambridge area

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Dave 123

Legendary Member
Is there anyone in the cambridge area who fancies a ride. I do a bit too much other stuff for me to commit to a club. My average solo riding is around 16mph and I'm looking for rides of 40 miles plus. I actually live in Hardwick but good for a central town meeting point.
Anyone fancy it?

Dave 123

Dave 123

Legendary Member


Cambridge Cycling Club go from Addenbrokes 2 or 3 times a week - I'm not sure how much commitment they require but they seemed pretty flexible when I enquired.


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Hi Dave, if you're still looking then i'd be up for a ride out somewhere soon - if we could fix a date and rough distance i expect others would show some interest....

I'm in St Ives, so a quick warm up cycle into Cambridge for me first or we could meet in Cambourne?
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