Canary Islands

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Hi there, I'm thinking of going somewhere warm and sunny this Feb with the bike and it seems that the Canary Islands are my best bet. With several to choose from, does anyone have any experience cycling there before I start hitting the heavy research? I really enjoyed the South of France and Mallorca looks good too, but they don't get nice and warm till April time.

Would I be better off waiting till April/May as I know that the pro's like to train in, among other places, the Canary Islands, and I don't want to be huffing and puffing my away around while the Pro's whizz past. Are the roads and the surfaces alright? Nice scenery? Just that they are just volcanic lumps of rock, windy ones at that. I think I;m putting myself off and want to go back to France :smile: Thanks

Alan jones

I was lanzarote in September ,there was a lot of cyclists on the roads,I stayed in Costa teguise which seemed to be the centre of things,most of the roads there looked newly laid sl
So good surfaces off cycling.

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
Lanzarote. done the last 5 years Feb or march. Although I do proper touring, these trips have been road training. Perfect for a week. Happy to email some routes if you want


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
It's bloody windy in Lanzarote. Fine for cycling, spent two weeks there with a mate cycling round. Bit bored as he wasn't into too much beer, but wanted to catch the sun, so morning rides, then afternoons getting cooked on the beach. Nothing better than overtaking cars on Fire Mountain. Just don't fall off, instant mince meat on the lava.

Need to ride up to the top end of the island to see the pink lagoons.


Thanks for the replies. So it is crazy windy there? ie annoyingly so?

So Lanzarote is good for getting some winter miles in the legs before the start of the season then? There are enough variable routes and scenery, villages to stop off at for a quick drink etc? I will check it out. Would love to see the routes you took Jay. Thanks


Senior Member
The wind isn't bad. There are definitely variable routes - coastal roads, hills, plateaus etc.

For variety I would stay Puerto del Carmen or Costa Teguise rather than Playa Blanca which is right in the south so has limited choices in/out of the resort. Decent hire shops around too in Lanzarote if you're not taking your own bike.

I'm going on a family holiday next week as we have done for the past few Novembers and will be enjoying some riding out there in 20-25 degrees.

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
but here are the ones I did (from garmin) in March, starting from Puerto del Carmen we chnaged this from prev yrs due to the wind.. I would suggest this as a long hilly ride, avoiding the flatter drag back from Arieta most of IM route. full route starts by going east out of PDC then along the bypass, and at end does same again 10 mile tough TT course


fab, thanks for those routes, looks real good.
I will take my own bike if I go, I am looking on ebay now for a case.


Senior Member
I'm just back from Puerto del Carmen. I did some lovely rides from PDC up over the top into the volcanic plain. I discovered what has to be probably the most perfect road I've ever ridden - the LZ30 from Mazdache towards Uga is just heavenly smooth, swooping winding tarmac through spectacular, vineyard/volcanic scenery.

The weather was perfect, lots of roadies out and about.


Senior Member
A little bit of traffic in and around Puerto del Carmen but really light/quiet traffic up the hills and out into the centre of the island. On the quieter roads I didn't see cars for 10 minutes at a time sometimes. The traffic's very cycle-considerate too - had no close passes or incidents.

No potholes either - some roads rougher than others but the good roads really are a dream to ride on.


sounds idealic! checking prices though, dam. easyjet want £236.98!! £70 for a bike! Looking at packages, that comes in at over £500. 8th March - 15th March, 1week. Is this normal prices?
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