Car turning left into drive

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
There i was going down this hill at 27 mph in a 30 mph zone when i was overtaken by a Land Rover. After they'd overtaken me they stayed on the right hand side of the road then on came the indicator to show they were going to pull left into their drive. I was tempted to risk it and carry on,i'm glad i didn't as they immediately cut across my path and zoomed up their driveway! Why the hell they didn't just let me drive past their house instead of overtaking me, forcing me to stop or slow down, then doing the wide birth left turn i don't know. I put it down to ignorance or cyclist haters. Were they in the wrong to do that or does the Highway Code allow such actions i wonder?:dry:
Totally wrong and the Highway Code makes it abundantly clear


Earlier this year I had a car cut across me turning left onto their driveway and nearly took me out.... missed by a couple of inches. I'd been walking along the pavement on a bright sunny day!! I therefore don't hold out any more hope when I'm on a bike :sad:


There i was going down this hill at 27 mph in a 30 mph zone when i was overtaken by a Land Rover. After they'd overtaken me they stayed on the right hand side of the road then on came the indicator to show they were going to pull left into their drive. I was tempted to risk it and carry on,i'm glad i didn't as they immediately cut across my path and zoomed up their driveway! Why the hell they didn't just let me drive past their house instead of overtaking me, forcing me to stop or slow down, then doing the wide birth left turn i don't know. I put it down to ignorance or cyclist haters. Were they in the wrong to do that or does the Highway Code allow such actions i wonder?:dry:
Go and let all their tyres down in the middle of the night.


Über Member
Hammer frozen sausages into their lawn
This is the crucial difference between the UK and Holland, Germany, Belgium, Denmark and others. It is law to give way to cyclists when turning left or right, not difficult, not complicated, just a very small change in the law that would make cycling a very different experience, also severe penalties if a cyclist is hit in almost any situation.
Quite why this or any government doesn't get it is beyond me, given how well it works in Europe.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Despite not understanding what this would achieve, I've given it a like just for the mental image.


I think it's this (from here - ):

Big bag of frozen sausages from Morrisons. Other supermarkets are available but you're up north.

Hammer them into his/her lawn vertically.

Wait until thawed, and every bird/badger/hedgehog/dog/fox in the area has ripped the lawn a new one.

If it's a big enough lawn, words can be formed in Ardennes style trenches.

Like a big Art Attack.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Or this as a solution - note, the Pistonheads thread I've pinched these from is a very bad place for me to inhabit atm as its giving me ideas -!&mid=0

Buy a clamp.
Buy a padlock.
Hide in bushes and let an evenings entertainment begin.
If funds allow, when he goes in to phone the police/council/whomever quickly put a second clamp on and then a third and if you manage to do all four shout 'BINGO' at the the top of your voice and run off giggling like a schoolgirl.
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