Cat or a Dog person?

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I personally wouldn't have a cat but I think they are interesting pets. On the hierarchy of pets they are second but well behind dogs as the pet of choice. I think that dogs are much more part of the family and actually love you, probably because they are social animals. Cat owners however project what they like to see about themselves onto cats e.g. notions of independence etc whereas they are animals just living out their own existences and probably quite unaware that their owners' love them.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Guinea Pigs.
Or anything else edible...


New Member
Cats are best because they can fit through a hole the size of a mice just to eat it... they squeeze their shoulders down.

Cats are best because they turn on the gas when you're out just to cause explosions.... due to their sense of mischief.

Dogs are crap and just crap everywhere.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Can I be both a cat and dog man?

I love my cats as they are amusing, loving and, short of opening their own packet food, can look after themselves.

I love my dog as she is unconditionally loving and attentive, sadly a big dog also produces big poos that need cleaning up.

If I could only have one then it would either be a cat so that I can still live independently of it or one of them Jack Russell type dogs that travels with me to work and rides on the front seat in the car.


Resting in suspended Animation
Cat person. I'm still quite scared of most dogs. I wouldn't go round doing all these things to dogs other people seem to want to do to cats though :tongue:.

Night Train

Maker of Things
ivancarlos said:
Like what? I am getting a vibe here that people who like cats do so because there is less commitment. If you mean cleaning up after them then if you had to then would you still want to own one?
I still have to clean up after my cats, their toilet in the garden still needs to be cleared and their litter tray needs cleaning. I think, for me, their independance is because they don't need to be walked, entertained, played with, let in, let out, washed, etc whereas dogs do. Also cats allow me to have variable hours of work where a dog would need me to return at a routine time for walks and toileting.
ivancarlos said:
I see what you mean but dogs are, therefore much more like having a kid in that respect.

Exactly. I don't want children either.:tongue:


New Member
I just had a scary thought and it won't be long before cats and dogs are genetically cross-bred.

We can't do it with people yet... the sheep thing was also not acceptable, nobody wants to eat photocopied sheep.

It will be crossed cats and dogs that look like those american things... cougars? coyotes?

We live in an age of science and the scientists are going to work this sort of stuff in surreptiously.


Resting in suspended Animation
A cat is still certainly commitment and sadly I think too many people forget that, unfortunately people do with other pets too :tongue:. Cats still need their litter trays cleaning, any furballs or sick sorting out. Feeding. Fleas and checking regularly for other parasites or diseases, injections. Grooming. Most of them like human company regularly. Some people don't like their cats being out at night (they worry for their health or being stolen) and it can be a fair bit of effort looking for them. All right so it's not the same as dogs but some dogs are not the same as other dogs and cats vary a lot.

Night Train

Maker of Things
ivancarlos said:
I see what you mean but dogs are, therefore much more like having a kid in that respect. If you are out with a dog somewhere it is a shared experience, whereas a cat is a pet for if you can't really be bothered with all that but still want a pet. If you already have kids or have experienced the levels of commitment that children bring then its not exactly much more of a burden.
I can see what you mean there, I hadn't thought of it in that way. Maybe that explains why my ex wife has my dog and I have our cats.

I do have shared experiences with my cats, just different ones. One of my cats used to 'mother' me. She would call me to my bed at bed time and then make sure I was tucked in by walking up and down each side of me on the duvet before setting herself down to sleep beside me. She would then wash my face and ears in the morning to wake me up. It was cute for a while but then it got in the way of having a relationship as she was also jealous of me sharing a bed with another woman.
One of my other cats enjoys conversing with me with a series of sounds and body language. We seem to understand each other quite well.
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