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Nr Cambridge
A few days ago walking through town I heard this chav conversation.

Asian gurl prob 17-18 yrs old cycling toward me on a BSO on the pavement wearing tracky bottoms and a hoody although hood down. Thinking I am about to get a tyre across my chest, a Vicky Pollard woman from across the road on the other pavement shouts,

VP : "Oi! Neen-ah ain't seen you for f*****g ages ..... I didn't know you got married"

Neen-ah stops abruptly in front of me blocking the pavement: "Yes, I got married at the Mosque..........."

VP : "You didn't get married in a church then?"

Neen-ah looks confused.



Legendary Member
Private Eye magazine is worth having on subscription if only for their Chavs cartoon. That's exactly the kind of quip they love.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Very old thread resurrection,but here goes.

Since the schools closed anti social behaviour has increased around here and i presume nationwide.
We had a chav versus non chavs confrontation up the local park this afternoon. Some local chavs have been trying to what i'd call 'get a foothold' in the park's shelter. They've been sniffing that gas stuff out of balloons,smoking cannabis,littering and today we had verbal abuse bordering on intimidation. Three of us were in the shelter when these f..kwits turned up with 'Tyson the Staffie bull terrier'. Not only that but they then proceeded to start smoking weed. We asked them politely to stop as it's anti social,especially when so close to the war memorial and with families and children about. We got a fair bit of abuse back so i decided to shall we say 'feck them off'! I called their bluff,saying i'd been 'inside' for GBH and other things(I haven't i hasten to add). They fell for it and decided to move on. Then when they felt safe they started shouting all sorts of stuff. My theory is that if people don't stand up to them and make them feel uncomfortable not only in the shelter,but the park itself then more and more of them will turn up and eventually make parts of,if not all of the park a no go area. I feel good that we made a stand, but it's a bit poor though,that me at 60,a bloke at 78 and a woman aged 59 had to make a stand while much younger people 'don't want to get involved'.

Below are some photos i took the other week,showing the balloons left behind after they'd been sniffing that gas stuff.


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Legendary Member
Isn't that teenagers being teenagers. Why pigeonhole them into some social tier?

What do you think they will do tomorrow when you're not there? You could get on their level and build some rapport and gradually, they might see the world from your perspective.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Isn't that teenagers being teenagers. Why pigeonhole them into some social tier?

What do you think they will do tomorrow when you're not there? You could get on their level and build some rapport and gradually, they might see the world from your perspective.
Being all friendly with them just makes them think they're welcome. They would be welcome,but not with an intimidating dog (which they couldn't control) and stinking the shelter out with dope. Next they'll be 'tagging' their names of the war memorial and in the shelter. We have been friendly(ish) before,but they see it as a sign of weakness.

Edit...and we feel they are being totally inconsiderate coronavirus wise. The other day there was about 7 or 8 of them in the shelter,but we didn't say anything as they didn't have a 'devil dog' and they weren't smoking cannabis. Though 7 or 8 teenagers could easily have the virus and pass it onto us or other 'oldies'.
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Legendary Member
While (hopefully) not chavvy, we probably used to infuriate, perplex, mystify our elders back in 1975, all hanging round the sports centre or shopping centre, messing about, talking like teenagers do, larking about, talking rubbish.
It's what teenagers do for the most part. It probably always mystified the older generation, it probably always will.


Legendary Member
It reminded of watching some lads pull up in a car in a local carpark, driving too fast, music blaring, revving the engine unnecessarily, you know the kind of thing. Then aged around 35 i sat in my car watching them bunch of idiots...and immediately thought, yeah, you used to do exactly the same.:okay:


Legendary Member
Being all friendly with them just makes them think they're welcome. They would be welcome,but not with an intimidating dog (which they couldn't control) and stinking the shelter out with dope. Next they'll be 'tagging' their names of the war memorial and in the shelter. We have been friendly(ish) before,but they see it as a sign of weakness.

Edit...and we feel they are being totally inconsiderate coronavirus wise. The other day there was about 7 or 8 of them in the shelter,but we didn't say anything as they didn't have a 'devil dog' and they weren't smoking cannabis. Though 7 or 8 teenagers could easily have the virus and pass it onto us or other 'oldies'.
Why are you in the shelter meeting as a 3? Whilst what they’re doing is wrong and against the Covid regulations, so is what you’re doing.....

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Why are you in the shelter meeting as a 3? Whilst what they’re doing is wrong and against the Covid regulations, so is what you’re doing.....
The shelter is an open one. No walls so plenty of ventilation. We also keep well apart from each other. Unlike the chavs,who are huddled together and passing spliffs from mouth to mouth.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
The shelter is an open one. No walls so plenty of ventilation. We also keep well apart from each other.

Doesn't matter, you shouldn't be meeting people from outside your household. Distance notwithstanding. You can't attack others on their poor / non compliance with guidance when you're also doing your own thing, no matter how egregious their behaviour. (And it is!)

Have a read of the official rules, absorb, stay at home, and fight this battle another day.
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