Cheapskate tips for the credit crunch

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
ok, so we're all going to be broke. Here's a thread for us all to share tips on eeking out the budget a little. Ideally, really, really mean ones, not just "Don't buy a new telly every 6 months" or stuff like that. It doesn't have to be something you actually do, although you may own up if you do. They do have to realistic though - no "sell the children, or a kidney" And nothing so wanton as to qualify as theft either....

Mine for a start:

Using each teabag twice (I do, actually. Unless you want your tea really strong every time, a teabag will stretch to two cups. I put each newly used one in a little pot by the kettle and reuse it the next time. Twice is about the limit. Result, consumption of teabags is halved)

If you are out and about having a hot drink, assume you are entitled to two sugar sachets. Even if you don't have sugar in tea or coffee. Take them home to use on cereal, or when guests come and do want sugar. (Again, I do this.... Also, sometimes, ketchup and the like with a pub meal. Not loads, just a sachet here and there)

Using a public or work toilet? Tear off an extra couple of sheets of paper, and take home to use. (No, I don't do this. Yet)

Ok, over to you....


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Some cycle touring tips would read very similar I reckon, Like:

Use the contact lense solution for 2-3 days instead of one
Wash your shorts once every 2 days but the rest every 2 weeks
Forget about lunch
Scrounge dinner & booze off caravanners


New Member
Hang around near the kitchen areas at work at about half past one when there has been a meeting (with lunch) in one of the conference rooms.
Sometimes there can be a really good haul.


Legendary Member
I'm partial to a bath...dont like showers. A bath is obviously expensive :blush:

I realised this the other accident.

Run your cold water into the bath...and leave it an hour or so. It goes from ice cold out of the taps, to not ice cold in the bath. The amount of hot water you then need is reduced dramatically...i was really surprised.
gbb said:
I'm partial to a bath...dont like showers. A bath is obviously expensive :blush:

I realised this the other accident.

Run your cold water into the bath...and leave it an hour or so. It goes from ice cold out of the taps, to not ice cold in the bath. The amount of hot water you then need is reduced dramatically...i was really surprised.

You can preheat the water even more by lying in it.
Baggy and I have been rocking the Russian peasant look at home. Thick jumpers, two pairs of leisure trousers, all cuffs and entry points well tucked in. I even wear a woolly hat in the kitchen (which is bloody cold). Anything rather than crank up the heating in our leaky old Victorian house.

...and tea is often a packet of chicken noodle soup augmented by extra stock, a tin of pulses and whatever veg happens to be around/growing in the garden.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
jxyzb said:
Or by throwing in the water you have just used to cook your vegetables or pasta

I don't quite do this, but as I have an electric cooker, with those hot plates, I do wash the pans out straight away (esp the one that has only held water for pasta or the like), fill with clean water and leave on the switched off ring while I eat. Result, the residual heat creates warm water to wash up the plate and cutlery and any greasy pans I cooked sauce or meat in. I only have the immersion heater on to heat the water for when I do laundry, every couple of weeks (no washing machine). Having a fortnight's worth of pants before I run out helps.


Buy perishible goods like bananas on Thursday night just before closing time (night before Good Friday) at the supermarket. They can't stick bananas in the fridge. They sell off whole bags of em for 10p.

S'pose you could pull that stunt on xmas eve etc...


Well-Known Member
How about clearing out any old alcoholic drinks you may have in the house. You know , the sort of things that you can't bring yourself to drink normally, which just hang around for years taking up space.
Think of new ways to present these otherwise unappealing substances. I have just discovered the delights of Cointreau & Sprite. Pretty soon I will have a space where that old Cointreau bottle used to be and I'll have saved the cost of what I would otherwise have bought , had I not had this great idea.
Better still , invite you friends round and tell them to bring their old bottles. When they arrive mix and match your old unwanted tack with theirs!

Merry Christmas

There are many ways to save money.

Last week I drove 9 miles out of my way home to buy some nice Chateau Neuf du Pape on a 3 for the price of 2 offer. Saved £24.99 for an incremental cost of less than 2lt of company funded fuel.

I was returning from Wiltshire to Hertfordshire, late in the evening after a 14 hour day in the dark and cold so I deserved a boost.
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