Childish, petty and vindictive.

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More serious cyclist than Bonj
Put a stink bomb through the letter box early one morning when there alseep. Trying to get the smell out of the house will wake them up.
Tune into an internet radio station such as , select one of the dance channels, breakbeat probably is best, turn the bass up and the treble down and set it going. The irregular bass beat will penetrate their walls, but give nothing else away to the tune of the song.

in all seriousness though, talk to them, explain why them partying unti that late is terrible for you, and that you will be forced to call the police if they are disturbing you that late again, because your family is more important to you than your relationship with them.


New Member
Nortones2 said:
...the local builders shut up their rotten Radio Smegma after I left the windows open...

Sorry to hijack the thread, but you are right about builders. Why is it that whenever your neighbours have them round everyone else has to put up with their wretched radio noise pollution? Right, I'm off to Soapbox...:biggrin:
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