Childish, petty and vindictive.

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Über Member
My lovely Italian neighbours partied until around 5:30 this morning (not the first time, this is almost every weekend) at which point I got back to sleep only for the baby to wake up at 6:17. :rolleyes::rolleyes:!:rolleyes:

So far this morning, since the wife has gone out, I have played drumming with the baby on the other side of the wall as their main bedroom, for a couple of hours. That was really god fun, with wooden spoons and using the floor (wooden) the door frame and a suitable saucepan (very loud), accompanied by lots of shouting and clapping. Then I hoovered the upstairs and the stairs themselves which has the fortunate side effect of making the baby scream blue murder as she hates it (obviously I placed her near the wall first!). All this accompanied by the stereo on full blast obviously.

The baby is now asleep on my lap so they get a break for an hour or so but I need to come up with some good ways of rousing my lovely neighbours from their slumber the moment she wakes, please help.:biggrin::evil:


Flim Flormally
Play knock and run.



The Anvil Chorus is a singularly brilliant piece of classical music for noise-based part because of the anticipation of the chorus!



But, seriously, have you tried going round to talk to them, preferrably with baby in tow so they know the effect of their very late night noise? Are they amenable to discussion?

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I think autumn is the ideal time of year to learn to play a musical instrument.

An electric guitar, with the amplifier positioned facing the shared wall will allow your neighbours to track your progress, and perhaps offer encouragement or sing along as you strum your way through such favourites as "Three Blind Mice" for the 50th time.


Senior Member
Or the bagpipes.

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Place (decent) stereo speakers 6" away from wall, drape duvets over the back of them, put a bassy type c.d. on repeat* and turn up the bass and volume.
strap SWMBO and child in car, start c.d. get in car, go and visit mater and pater for the day (well it is Sunday, show SWMBO how to cook dinner "just like momma makes").

* Even better select a really annoying track to go on n on n on n on et al.


Living Legend & Old Fart
Elmer Fudd said:
Place (decent) stereo speakers 6" away from wall, drape duvets over the back of them, put a bassy type c.d. on repeat* and turn up the bass and volume.
strap SWMBO and child in car, start c.d. get in car, go and visit mater and pater for the day (well it is Sunday, show SWMBO how to cook dinner "just like momma makes").

* Even better select a really annoying track to go on n on n on n on et al.

The Llama Song?
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