Christmas decorations...

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Senior Member
When do you put yours up? (if you celebrate christmas that is, anyone who does not, please do not feel offended or isolated)

Of course in the shops the decorations have been up since late July or whatever, but in people's houses it's a different thing.

My boss is really rigid about it, and puts his up 12 days before the day and takes them down 12 days after.
My folks put theirs up whenever they get a spare few hours in December.
My wife's folks put theirs up at the beginning of advent, and this is what she wants to do this year.
I saw a house with full illuminations all over, this was switched on a blazing 3 days ago...

Just wondering, when do you put yours up?

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I haven't seen any houses with hundreds of lights on yet, so I wonder if the price of electricity and the credit crunch has had at least one beneficial side effect.
We only have a tree these days now we are just 2 which generally goes up about 2 weeks before Christmas. When thechildren were still at home we used to have hundreds of cards but the number has decreased massively.
On a separate note I get a couple of round robin letters which are cringe-worthy but I look forward to them for that very reason. I may reproduce one on here if it lives up to it's usual standard.


nothing in moderation
they were building the xmas tree in the staff canteen as i walked through this morning.

it's bah humbug until at least 1st december as far as i'm concerned…


Senior Member
I've go to get stuff from the attic tonight so I'm guessing i may as well get the deccys down too. So I guess ours will be up this weekend.


alecstilleyedye said:
surely you should be offended and insisting that they be taken down B)
Don't believe everything you read in The Dail Mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When the kids were young, we did quite a bit. Nothing outside the house, but plenty of lights and decorations in the living room, dining area, hall etc. We also seemed to have loads of Christmas cards to display. (Mrs B made an art form of it!).

This year, we'll have the tree and maybe a window decoration and that's about it. Aiming for about the middle of December to put them up.

Mimimalist wins hands down once your kids are grown up.


alecstilleyedye said:
can i be ignorantly offended on your behalf then? B)
Assalamo-alaikum alecetc,
You can be offended if you like, bro' - but only because the tree went up in November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smutmaster General
Tree goes up a few days before, comes down on 6th Jan (unless it falls over before B)). Mrs F really does deck the hall with boughs of holly though! :biggrin:

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
We wait till the 21st December, then two black candles and a freshly severed goats head are displayed in the porch. Keeps the carol singers away and it's less time consuming than sitting by the window with an air rifle.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
Probably next weekend - i.e 6th/7th. Inside it's usually just the tree and cards and maybe some lights along the conservatory - depends upon what the kids find and decide....... Outside we've got some lights to pop on the tree and some for the porch.
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