Classic vintage with modern kit

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Legendary Member
Hello and :welcome: to the forum.

Yes, why not? Can look really good. There have been numerous threads by people on here who have done just that.
Hello, can you help me ? do you like the look of a classic vintage frame bike (immaculate) that is kitted out with modern components ?

Hello & welcome.

For me, yes: I was thinking about this for a frame I have.

One of the best I've seen is a gorgeous blue 1954 AS Gillott (made by Ron Cooper) set up with Campagnolo Athena. The owner's thread and great pictures are here:

Also, Bike Forums have an excellent thread that runs over 300 pages:


Personally I like to try and retain the groupset but add 700c wheels and modern dual pivot brakes, you then have the best of both worlds. I’ve done two like this and they’re great to ride, plus they stop properly!


I went from this...
full?d=1534436583.jpg this, with Campagnolo Potenza 11-speed. Just had to cold-set the rear triangle for 11-speed wheels:


Everything that came off the bike is wrapped up in a box and could go back on it if I ever wanted to sell it or switch it back (which I don't) :smile:
I went from this...
View attachment 532979 this, with Campagnolo Potenza 11-speed. Just had to cold-set the rear triangle for 11-speed wheels:

View attachment 532980

Everything that came off the bike is wrapped up in a box and could go back on it if I ever wanted to sell it or switch it back (which I don't) :smile:
Mods can we have a "pitchfork and burning torches" Smiley...

Only joking:laugh: As a "commuting Colnago" it makes perfect sense
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