CO2 Cylinders on Aeroplane?

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John Edmondson

Senior Member
Considering taking some compressed CO2 canisters in my luggage to go in the hold (low pressure). Done it before and got away with it but not sure if i should do it again. Anyone have any thoughts on if it's safe or not?
Thank you!


Ask the carrier.


Legendary Member
The manufacturers of standard marine lifejackets warn that owners may be asked for a letter of confirmation from the CO2 cylinder manufacturer to show that the particular cylinder complies with IATA regulations.
Check with the carrier before leaving home.


Legendary Member
There things are around 850psi when fully charged. A drop in eternal air pressure of up to 10psi is a difference of 1/85th when compared to the pressure of the contents. You could fly it into space quite safely, if you knew someone with a handy spacecraft. It's a question of what any given airline may permit rather than one of risking the grisly death of all aboard.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Go to the FAQ section of your carrier, it'll have a section on dangerous goods. CO2 and other compressed gases are usually forbidden, although many will take a few exceptions such as dive vests and avalanche packs, the page will list the conditions around carriage.
John Edmondson

John Edmondson

Senior Member
Thanks for replys. I'm fairly certain that the airline will forbid them but I will check anyways. I am more concerned about the risk factor of one of them going bang than having them confiscated by airline staff...


Leg End Member
AirCrash Investigations showed one recently where for a brief period a Co2 canister was actually moving faster than than the aircraft, after the canister failed at its weak point.

Another question worth asking is would you be allowed to take it in to where ever you are intending travelling.


Legendary Member
Surely you can go online and order a few cylinders to be delivered to the first B&B or hotel where you plan to stay? We did it for camping gas in Canada.


I've taken CO2 cylinders on BA flights many times, they are fine with it. Check the list of what you're allowed to carry - normally (but I am saying check) small CO2 cannisters are excluded from the prohibitions around compressed gas (it will state this explicitly).
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