Colleague just rear ended on his E-Bike :(

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Here for rides.
2715916 said:
I am criticising his posting style in general. It annoys me because I think that, if he were to drop all the hiding behind his persona bollocks, he could contribute more.
BB's posting style amuses my inner VIth former. I'd miss it if it were gone. Yet I agree that if he applied his efforts to content rather than style, like he does, say, when talking about fixed , the forum would be the better for it and its members more enlightened.

so @Boris Bajic how about you come out from behind the facade?

Hip Priest

My mate once crashed into another car whilst dazzled by sunlight. There's nothing the other driver could've done about it, and nothing Linford's mate could've done about it either. The only solution is for motorists to stop driving when they can't bloody see, which isn't too much to ask.


Old Linford does initiate a lively thread. Whether he is a troll or not, the self-appointed anti-troll brigade seem to thrive on giving him the oxygen of publicity he may crave by inflating all his threads to fiteen pages of sneering in as many minutes.

Quite a few CC types will never forgive the world for not letting them be born as J-P Sartre or Michael Foot or Hugo Chavez or Virginia Wolf and their only recourse is to drip acid comments on Internet trolls and 'like' the hell out of each others' posts until some sort of orgasm of self-congratulatory nirvana is achieved.

Like many such exercises, it may be more fun to do than to witness. Disturbingly (for me) I enjoy being the onlooker in this unusual feast of internet mutual onanism, but I may be strange like that.

15 pages of sneering is a good description:rofl: . The biggest problem with that is they don't ever stop to look at how others view them because they are too busy 'putting me to right' :rolleyes:. I've got not problem with it CA&D, but it doesn't belong on this board. It was for my part intended as a fairly serious tale.
A low sun is a terrible robber of vision. Some things can be done to improve the situation.

The windscreen should be clean and smear-free, inside and out. It is shocking how many motorists happily tootle about with grubby screens. A dirty windscreen exacerbates the problems of a low sun.

If a motorist feels unsighted by a low sun, they really need to slow right down until they are able to see. There is a fairly hollow argument that doing so would cause the driver behind them to ram them, but that brings into question the attitude of the ramming party driving at speed whilst unable to see.

A cyclist riding into a low sun needs to be aware that anyone coming up behind them will have the same issues they are facing. There are routes I do not ride at certain times of the year when I'd be riding into a low sun. We all know hills and hillcrests where at certain times the sun just wipes out all forward vision. I avoid them when that is the case.

The lack of lights and absence of Hi-Viz mentioned in the OP may be of no consequence in this story: Lights and bright colours on an object silhouetted against a low sun can make it 'disappear'.

After a lengthy and thorough assessment of the issues and dangers facing road users in the light of a low sun, I have reached the conclusion that God is at fault. At first I thought it was the immigrants or the hedgehogs, but careful analysis shows that it is God.
2715916 said:
I am criticising his posting style in general. It annoys me because I think that, if he were to drop all the hiding behind his persona bollocks, he could contribute more.

This is extraordinary and slightly potty stuff, but it drips with the nectar of gorgeousness.

When I have a point to make (cycling with dyspraxia, choosing gears for fixed, teaching children to ride and so on) I make my point in the hope that it will help or add to the debate. These posts generally seem well received.

When I have an unpopular view (including my quite absurd stance that Armstrong did little that the others weren't doing, but we like them and we don't like him) then I post and stand by for flak. I usually get it. It's a lot of grown-ups pretending that pro-cycling is important and I accept the bruises.

When I find the headcam footage of a CC member execrable, provocative, self-important and/or risible, as with Magnatron (sp?), Trafficdroid, Matthew_T and others, I say so and I get flak. It is my view and I am regularly shot down for it. It could not be otherwise.

Sometimes when I see little buddy groups (who may not be aware that they come across to almost the entire CC membership as acid and spiteful schoolkid cabals) ganging up with mean little faux-philosophical puke-bombs on other posters, I cannot help but mock them. It's OK to do this, because they've long-since decided that they are in charge of all political thought and they once read a book by a foreign bloke and can quote him so they must be right. Those who don't have me on ignore occasionally spit a little bile my way, but I deserve it and I am generally so far up my own arse that I cannot even see it coming. But that is how I play on the Internet.

It is bizarre that someone should tell me my posting style annoys them. I'm touched in a way, as some CC members delight in telling me how they have me on ignore (never mind it being slightly odd to keep telling someone publicly that you are ignoring them). It's nice that you don't (I'm being sincere here). But I am startled that you think a change in style from me might allow me to 'contribute more'. If I post to mock, that is the full extent of my contribution at that time. Others do it to me too. It's the Internet. Bizarrely, some people 'like' the things that others mock me for or disapprove of.

In CA&D I see no merit in saddling my moral high horse. Most of the debate is about as erudite as marsh gas. But it is fun, kick-about and silly. I'm sorry you think it unhelpful that I hide behind a persona. It's the Internet. And I hide behind a persona.

I may not be alone.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
This is extraordinary and slightly potty stuff, but it drips with the nectar of gorgeousness.

When I have a point to make (cycling with dyspraxia, choosing gears for fixed, teaching children to ride and so on) I make my point in the hope that it will help or add to the debate. These posts generally seem well received.

When I have an unpopular view (including my quite absurd stance that Armstrong did little that the others weren't doing, but we like them and we don't like him) then I post and stand by for flak. I usually get it. It's a lot of grown-ups pretending that pro-cycling is important and I accept the bruises.

When I find the headcam footage of a CC member execrable, provocative, self-important and/or risible, as with Magnatron (sp?), Trafficdroid, Matthew_T and others, I say so and I get flak. It is my view and I am regularly shot down for it. It could not be otherwise.

Sometimes when I see little buddy groups (who may not be aware that they come across to almost the entire CC membership as acid and spiteful schoolkid cabals) ganging up with mean little faux-philosophical puke-bombs on other posters, I cannot help but mock them. It's OK to do this, because they've long-since decided that they are in charge of all political thought and they once read a book by a foreign bloke and can quote him so they must be right. Those who don't have me on ignore occasionally spit a little bile my way, but I deserve it and I am generally so far up my own arse that I cannot even see it coming. But that is how I play on the Internet.

It is bizarre that someone should tell me my posting style annoys them. I'm touched in a way, as some CC members delight in telling me how they have me on ignore (never mind it being slightly odd to keep telling someone publicly that you are ignoring them). It's nice that you don't (I'm being sincere here). But I am startled that you think a change in style from me might allow me to 'contribute more'. If I post to mock, that is the full extent of my contribution at that time. Others do it to me too. It's the Internet. Bizarrely, some people 'like' the things that others mock me for or disapprove of.

In CA&D I see no merit in saddling my moral high horse. Most of the debate is about as erudite as marsh gas. But it is fun, kick-about and silly. I'm sorry you think it unhelpful that I hide behind a persona. It's the Internet. And I hide behind a persona.

I may not be alone.

I like your posts, Boris! Keep them coming! :laugh:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I like your posts, Boris! Keep them coming! :laugh:
Me too @Boris Bajic :thumbsup:
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