Computers are not so tough

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Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
About three months ago I bought a new Sony laptop complete with Vista and all the other genuine software. Last night I threw some keys onto the desk and they hit the screen. Now there is a cracked screen and a large black line across it. No Sony shop in this area so may have to get another alternative until I get back to Hong Kong. How long can a screen last when it's cracked right acoss from one side to the other!!!!


Resting in suspended Animation
Keith Oates said:
About three months ago I bought a new Sony laptop complete with Vista and all the other genuine softwhere. Last night I threw some keys onto the desk and they hit the screen. Now there is a cracked screen and a large black line across it. No Sony shop in this area so may have to get another alternative until I get back to Hong Kong. How long can a screen last when it's cracked right acoss from one side to the other!!!!

The words Sony and Vista should ring alarm bells!

That sucks though :biggrin:.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
my macintosh g3 powerbook has finally bitten the dust

Oh no! I hope it's not catching as I'm writing this on my old G3 beige PowerMac tower. The last beige machine built. Works perfectly, but have been thinking of an upgrade.


Home Counties
It may well be catching - my old G3 'orange gumdrop' iBook died the death just a month ago and I've now been forced into switching from 9.0.3 over to OSX


N Ireland
Keith Oates said:
No chance, it was my fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have accidental damage (sometimes known as All Risks) type insurance the fact that it was your own fault won't make any difference, as long as it was an accident. Only deliberate self damage would be a problem.

There may be a £50 excess on a typical home contents policy.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
alecstilleyedye said:
how many pcs are still useful after all this time eh guys?

derall: osx is the light. step into it and embrace (and never get a freeze-bomb message again) :biggrin:

OSX? Get the real thing, get Linux and it is free...


How long can a screen last when it's cracked right acoss from one side to the other!!!!

Ages. We've had LCD panels running months after they've broke. It all seems to depend on just how deep the damage goes. If it goes really deep into the layers of the screen then it will cease to work, either partially or completely, right away.

It sounds like all youve done is break the top layer so you get the visable damage without the loss of image.


Resting in suspended Animation
Fnaar said:
I still have the first PC I bought, back in 1996. It's upstairs in the attic! :biggrin:

We have our original 286 from 1988 in the attic and most of the other ones since minus the cyrix piece of rubbish. It's an irrelevent question. Most power supplies degrade significantly over time so you'd not want to be using regularly more than about 5 years after buying without replacing and of course by then replacing it isn't efficient in terms of money. I also know of a charity that reuses old PCs. As HDs live so much longer thesedays they regularly use old components and machines of about that age.


Sh@t happens....!

Keith Oates said:
About three months ago I bought a new Sony laptop complete with Vista and all the other genuine software. Last night I threw some keys onto the desk and they hit the screen. Now there is a cracked screen and a large black line across it. No Sony shop in this area so may have to get another alternative until I get back to Hong Kong. How long can a screen last when it's cracked right acoss from one side to the other!!!!
"I'm thinking of planning an endurance ride for 'chairidee' as I'm good at riding all day...and is another reason to spend ALOT of time on the the BIKE as its the only thing that seems to give me most satisfaction" :?::ohmy:

Yenners, what's happened with you and your lad, you haven't gone your seperate ways 'ave you. I knew that cleaning job in the Dole Office bogs would be the end of you two :thumbsup:;)

Oh, cheer up you Cockney sod, you I am only joshing with you :?:;)

Why not do a ride for the benefit of Cancer sufferers, in some way, it would be a RUDDY good know it.

Either that, or we just pocket the money and have a lads night out, with tarts and beer, and a good punch up, I won't tell your lad, honest :thumbsup:
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