Council recycling places (what a joke)

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The sun was out and it was dry (honestly I know that's hard to believe) So today I gave the old car a quick service with an oil and filter/air and fuel filter change...
After an hour of tinkering I was left with around 6.5 litres of oil engine oil and decided to take it down to my local recycling centre (the council tip).
They've got a huge storage tank where you can dispose the engine oil into ,so it's naturally the right place to take it to . Whilst getting the old tub of oil out of my car this huge overweight worker lept into action demanding what I had got in the tub.Old engine oil I said, to which he then refused me to dispose of it because it was to much!!
He said they only allowed around 1 litre at a time because they've been having problems with traders dumping the stuff there ,and it costs them money to get rid of it.
I was a bit bemused by this and by the way he was going completely "Karen" over it..
I asked how many cars do you know that only take 1 litre of oil.I said most usually take around 3.5 to 5.5 litres and some like mine will swallow 6.5 litres.
A small motorcycle would be the only engine that I know of that would take around 1 litre of oil..
Whilst I was on my soap box I also said I very much doubt it costs you the council money to get it collected as it's often repurposed and recycled into something else..By this time our crossed words had gained a small audience to which he quietly backed down and let me dump the stuff into the onsite tank.
It makes me laugh, because we are constantly encouraged to recycle and be mindful of our environment,but when we take items to the recycling centre we are often met with officials making it difficult for us..
I mean what do they want, Do they want the public to recycle and be mindful of there environment ,or do they want encourage Joe public to just go and fly tip due to them being obstructive
Anyway that's my little rant of the day.
All the very best to you all 👍👍


It does seem councils, in trying to control waste, actually make it harder for individuals to get rid of stuff appropriately.
It did surprise me, having been in engineering for over 40 years, the old days of someone eagerly paying to take your old oil away are long gone apparently, its classified as hazardous waste and (so I'm told) you (a company ) pay nowadays to get rid.

It's often the case you meet with individuals whose initial response is NO,. I appeared at a recycling site in Beverley once with my FIL to be told can't bring all that here, it needs to be separated (it was jumbled up in a trailer tbf).
No problem mate, I will put the appropriate stuff in the appropriate skip, it will just take a bit longer. He was happy, so we're's just when you arrive and don't know the system it's sometimes a bit of a problem.


I took an old fridge from work down to the local tip a few years back.Because I was in a white van they refused me entry because It was classed as business waste and not household.I parked the van by the entrance and physically dragged the fridge into the tip,to which the staff where more than happy about.
Absolutely bonkers 😲


Legendary Member
A lot of these places make their rules up as they go along. A FOI request to the council will get you a copy of their contract, and you can bet it places no limits on how many litres of oil you can dispose of, or the type of vehicle you rock up in.

Complain to the carncil. They probably won't give a sheet, but if people don't complain nothing will ever change.

Personally, id have carried on pouring it in and silently dared him to stop me.


Leg End Member
You can't leave us in suspense🤣🤣
What happened there
Was using the Brox(cargo quad) when I cleared a hedge out to replace with a fence. A thirty foot hedge, over four foot wide, would have filled a skip.
Seven trips to the recycling centre, with the waste hedge was enough to get me banned.
I'd gone in on a "bicycle" which they don't allow. That changed to with no helmet or Hi-Vis, just like everyone else using the site.

When the council started the recycling bins, I used only black bags. Much to the annoyance of the company now doing the recycling for the council. I simply answered "it's all in those bags because I've been banned, by the council, from recycling". Manager called, he was shown the letter stating I'd been banned. There wasn't any real answer to that. Other than to leave the bags for the bin lorry.


Legendary Member
You can't fight City Hall, but it gladdens my heart that men like Lance O'Classic exist who are prepared to try.


Firm and Fruity
The type of vehicle is very common these days.
All vans have to pass over the weigh bridge at my tip.
And every car has to provide ID to prove you are a resident and they take the reg no. monitor how often you visit.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
The sun was out and it was dry (honestly I know that's hard to believe) So today I gave the old car a quick service with an oil and filter/air and fuel filter change...
After an hour of tinkering I was left with around 6.5 litres of oil engine oil and decided to take it down to my local recycling centre (the council tip).
They've got a huge storage tank where you can dispose the engine oil into ,so it's naturally the right place to take it to . Whilst getting the old tub of oil out of my car this huge overweight worker lept into action demanding what I had got in the tub.Old engine oil I said, to which he then refused me to dispose of it because it was to much!!
He said they only allowed around 1 litre at a time because they've been having problems with traders dumping the stuff there ,and it costs them money to get rid of it.
I was a bit bemused by this and by the way he was going completely "Karen" over it..
I asked how many cars do you know that only take 1 litre of oil.I said most usually take around 3.5 to 5.5 litres and some like mine will swallow 6.5 litres.
A small motorcycle would be the only engine that I know of that would take around 1 litre of oil..
Whilst I was on my soap box I also said I very much doubt it costs you the council money to get it collected as it's often repurposed and recycled into something else..By this time our crossed words had gained a small audience to which he quietly backed down and let me dump the stuff into the onsite tank.
It makes me laugh, because we are constantly encouraged to recycle and be mindful of our environment,but when we take items to the recycling centre we are often met with officials making it difficult for us..
I mean what do they want, Do they want the public to recycle and be mindful of there environment ,or do they want encourage Joe public to just go and fly tip due to them being obstructive
Anyway that's my little rant of the day.
All the very best to you all 👍👍
Personally not had a problem with oil.
My neighbour on the other hand has problems because he has a small van. He provides wood to people with wood burning stoves, but because he is perceived as "trade" with his van, he cannot take domestic waste for local recycling. As his wife has a Smart car, they can't use that for transporting much either.
A recent bin strike caused major problems for him. All his waste was domestic, but his recyclable and non recyclable waste couldn't be taken to the local council places, because of his van.


Legendary Member
I agree totally, Lance. The Waste Disposal Authorities - ie, your carncils - are required to provide residents with a place to dispose of their household waste, under Section 51 of the Environment Protection Act 1990 (the 1990 Act).

The act does not grant them the power to demand ID prior to discharging that statutory duty, and does not give them any authority to exclude those arriving by bicycle from accessing "a place to dispose of their household waste" - the section 51 provision is applicable to all residents, not just those that arrive in a type of vehicle that happens to be convenient for the site operator.


Legendary Member
Who runs the tip? Council them selves or a contractor if so who? I would have taken a photo of the operative and emailed Thier employer and question the rationale behind the 1L limit.
Our local recycling centres are appointment only now!

You need to book the appointment online, giving details, including registration, of the vehicle you will be arriving in and then select a half hour slot.

Turn up early and you will be forced to wait for your allocated slot. Turn up late, or not in the vehicle specified in the booking, and you will be refused entry.
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