Critical Massholes

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Charming but somewhat feckless
I'm not a fan of CM either in its present form.

In my view it doesn't get the message across to non-cyclists that it's an efficient and quick means of transport with benefits for everyone.

My version of CM would be taking a couple of hundred cyclists and having them ride, or more accurately permeate, the most congested route in town. Appear and disappear in a flash, preferably wearing "This could be YOU" signs on their backs. A few of the stranded motorists might think about giving it a shot, as might people heading for buses or tubes.

His book must be awful, if the writing on the blog is any guide:

"Critical Massholes are to fundamentalist terrorists what Islam is to cycling."

Surely he means
"Critical Massholes are to cycling what fundamentalist terrorists are to Islam."

The way he wrote it makes no sense.

And speaking of terrorism, illustrating an article against a group of cyclists with this image

is disgusting. If this was a car blog, we would rightly be enraged. And this horrific image is apparently very amusing to a segment of the population.
  • I know this is bad but I totally laughed
  • Funny thing is ,,, is that I have wanted to do this before.. LMFAO!!!!
  • High Score! this is awful to see but I find it disturbingly funny
  • Terrible thought but funny picture!High Scores – Demotivational Poster
  • funny stuff | Save the Internet!
  • High scores, They're really important to some people demotivational poster
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