cross threaded crank arm on drive side

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New Member
Received a mail order specialized sirrus elite 2015 on Friday. Set about installing the pedals, left on left, right on right - pretty straight forward or so you'd think. They came pre-greased from the store and after two uses, the drive crank arm pedal came loose. The thread is fully rung.

Contacted the supplier who offered a discounted replacement but accepted no liability. Completely disregarded the possibility of a faulty part, blaming the installation.
To add insult the "discounted replacement part" was available cheaper on their website.

Any ideas or similar horror shows?
Loch side.
Thread replacement inserts are easy to do and a great repair. After the repair, the crank is better than new with a steel insert.
It's highly unlikely that the crank left the factory damaged. So it was damaged by you or A N Other, some through whose hands it passed before it got to you. It's highly unlikely that it was damaged by the supplier. So if you didn't wreck it - who did? It's conceivable that your bike was returned by a previous customer under warranty and accidentally sent out to you. Good luck proving it though...


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
I'd have thought that an already badly worn thread would have been apparent when you fitted the pedals. Did you notice any difference between the L and R ones as you tightened them up ?
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