Cycle Chat finances - advertising?

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pre-talced and mighty
I'm starting this off the top of my head, and it may well be that Shaun takes the view that death is preferable to carrying advertising on the forum, but it does strike me, given the weight of money that gets spent by people posting on this forum, that advertising might be a go-er. And I, for one, wouldn't object. It wouldn't lower the forum in my esteem, or change my view of those posting.

Of course, if Shaun were to take advertising from a bicycle supplier, and fifty people got it in to their heads to write that the bicycle supplier was pants, then there would be some embarrassment, but that would hardly be terminal. The advertiser might stick it out, or withdraw, but the forum would be no worse off. As a believer in the LBS, I'd be one of those who would not be charmed by an ad from Wiggle, or the like, but it wouldn't put me off using the forum.

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
I wouldn't want advertising on the whole site, but another forum I use (nowt to do with bikes) has advertising for non-signed in viewing, but once a member has signed in, the adverts disappear. Could be worth consideration.


pre-talced and mighty
Gerry Attrick said:
I wouldn't want advertising on the whole site, but another forum I use (nowt to do with bikes) has advertising for non-signed in viewing, but once a member has signed in, the adverts disappear. Could be worth consideration.
when you say that you wouldn't want it, do you mean that you would prefer the forum without, or that you would be put off using the forum? The reason I ask is that I would prefer the forum without, and I doubt many people would want advertising for it's own sake, but if it paid the bills, and offered an assurance of continuity, or even made Shaun some money for his efforts I'd see it as a good thing overall...


I'm not keen on advertising simply because it doesn't make any money.

Over 10 years at I displayed in excess of 40 million advertisement - yes, you read that right, 40 million - now ask me how much I netted from those same adverts? Less that $500.

People are simply immune to them and because of this advertisers either only pay a commission when they make a sale (something like 0.1% - 0.5% of people click the ads, and of those only 0.02% actually result in a sale) - or they pay pennys for displaying thousands and thousands of their ads. The result is that you give them massive brand exposure, and they pay little or nothing for it. That may sound harsh, but it's a simple truth that I learned after spending 10 years giving up top-of-the-fold web page space to advertisers!

I have been considering plans to make CycleChat financially independent, and allow us to take it further and do more with the forums and the brand / community, but I don't want to get into it just yet - maybe in a few months time when I've had time to sit and explore the various options.

I also want to investigate what's available in terms of add-ons for the forum software and what it will take to expand the site and pull together some of the ideas into a cohesive package.

I'll open up discussion on it later on.

Shaun ;)


New Member
I would have thought that a cyclechat shop selling nice cycling kit and other things that people might buy would be a better thing. Something like this. You could also ask for a voluntary subscription - some of us could afford to pay and some of us probably would. It would have not to be compulsory and probably the only thing it would get you would be a little badge under your avatar saying 'subscriber' - but it's clear that cyclechat is an important resource for quite a few people, and we're not all broke.


pre-talced and mighty
Admin said:
I'm not keen on advertising simply because it doesn't make any money.

Over 10 years at I displayed in excess of 40 million advertisement - yes, you read that right, 40 million - now ask me how much I netted from those same adverts? Less that $500.
Criminy! That's a real eye-opener!


the tank engine
Sign up to affiliate window, there are a few cycle schemes on there...Then, add a page for cycle shops using the affiliate links. Then when members want to buy something they can click through on the affiliate links, which should give the forum around a 10% commission on whatever they buy.

I'm sure people would be willing to do that as a form of donation to the site.

Qango just sounds lousy. Adsense can be a good one, but banners at the top and bottom of forums do generally get's good for in content though (so any long articles)...for instance, from a little over 300,000 advert impressions I've made around £70 on just one website....if you worked that out for your 40m it would be just under £10, a lot does depend on advert positions, etc, but it does show that advertising can make money.


thomas said:
Sign up to affiliate window, there are a few cycle schemes on there...Then, add a page for cycle shops using the affiliate links. Then when members want to buy something they can click through on the affiliate links, which should give the forum around a 10% commission on whatever they buy.

I'm sure people would be willing to do that as a form of donation to the site.

Qango just sounds lousy. Adsense can be a good one, but banners at the top and bottom of forums do generally get's good for in content though (so any long articles)...for instance, from a little over 300,000 advert impressions I've made around £70 on just one website....if you worked that out for your 40m it would be just under £10, a lot does depend on advert positions, etc, but it does show that advertising can make money.

Hi Thomas,

I agree, and I'm not saying you can't make money at it, I know quite a few people who've made a success of generating revenue from ads on their sites, but to do it properly you need time to create a focused campaign that ties-in your ads/affiliate links to your site content.

Unfortunately I didn't have that luxury with Qango, and don't really have it with CycleChat. I get a few hours per week, most of which is currently spent on maintenance.

With Qango, I think its single biggest problem is its diversity. With over 15000 categories covering all sort of topics it is almost impossible to focus the ads without having someone full-time configuring the ad-feed at the back-end. With advertisers starting / stopping campaigns all the time you need to monitor the feeds and keep your affiliate links current, or you just end up giving away clicks for free.

Shaun :biggrin:

Dan B

Disengaged member
I was also going to suggest affiliates as a possibility. I imagine it would not even be especially hard for the software to detect links to online shops and rewrite them to include cyclechat's affiliate link, so that all referrals from these pages raise money for the site


Again, whilst not very focused, my experience was that even when sending tens of thousands of visitors through an affiliate link, very few actually purchased - and you only get commission when someone buys.

I can see how CC is more focused - it's cycling and, well, cycling, and erm cycling - and can't get much more focused on your site than that, but to maintain an effective affiliate program the majority of the work is done by hand and this is something I simply don't have the time for at the moment.

If CC made enough for me to take a wage and quit my day-job, then I could probably afford the time to create some focused campaigns and generate some revenue (as well as doing many more things), but for the time being it's simply not practical. :angry:

I'm not trying to be deliberately negative, it's just that I have to balance what is possible, against what is currently practical.

Shaun :biggrin:


What you say about advertising couldnt be further from the truth you seem to have been going about it wrong. I wouldnt run PPC on a site like this for a start, forums are notoriously bad for click through ratios and ad blindness.

Ive made a living from websites since i was 17 and have been working at home self employed that whole time. A site like this could make some good money. I recently sold two sites receiving a combined 100,000 uniques a day for nearly 6 figures (adult sites) but the adult online industry is in the toilet at the moment.


Lover of things that come in 3's
blazed said:
What you say about advertising couldnt be further from the truth you seem to have been going about it wrong. I wouldnt run PPC on a site like this for a start, forums are notoriously bad for click through ratios and ad blindness.

Ive made a living from websites since i was 17 and have been working at home self employed that whole time. A site like this could make some good money. I recently sold two sites receiving a combined 100,000 uniques a day for nearly 6 figures (adult sites) but the adult online industry is in the toilet at the moment.

priceless, are you actually holding the online adult industry up as an example of how to do it?
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