CycleChat End-to-End Relay

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I'd be very interested in doing a stint in the East Devon area



ok peeps I have completed a preliminary 6x 18 mile sections of the entire route about 1/7th of the total distance.

It is the A38 road from Uffculme in Devon to Gloucester in North Somerset.

I have drawn it on 6x seperate maps in Bikehike.and if you put the following numbers into the search box you can see each section of the route.
if you also select 'Show elevation data' you will see how hilly each section is and exactly where on the route each hill occurs , how high you climb and the distance of the hill.

Click on any part of the profile and it will also show you where on the main map that part of the hill occurs.

I would like to do the Creech castle Taunton to East Brent section which is map 15326.


Jakes Dad said:
I'd be very interested in doing a stint in the East Devon area


what about the Uffculme to Taunton stretch on the A38 ? bikehike map number 15325 its a bit hilly mind :tongue:
Hi Peanut ... im struggling to see the different sections on the map ?

I live not far from Uffculme (Dunkeswell) and from uffculme to Taunton would be do-able for me and if you go from Uffculme up through to Hemyock and then climb out of Hemyock up towards Wellington Monumont you only really have one big (killer) of a hill and then its either flat (across the top) and then a lovely downhill into Corfe

But i'l persist with trying to log the route No's into the mapping site

I can see your route now peanut

is it going to be Le-Jog or Jog-Le ? and i assume that all of the different county co-ordinators will have to tally up the routes so that the entry and exit of the countys tally up ?

But i would definately be up for that Uffculme to Taunton leg which ever way around it is done



Legendary Member
PaulB said:
Can I just re-iterate that I would be very keen to participate in this? Thank you.

Same here.

I reckon there will be plenty of riders from round here so would be willing to travel anywhere North from Oldham.
I'm also willing to put a good long stint if need be, at night no problem etc etc.


Jakes Dad said:
I can see your route now peanut

is it going to be Le-Jog or Jog-Le ? and i assume that all of the different county co-ordinators will have to tally up the routes so that the entry and exit of the countys tally up ?

But i would definately be up for that Uffculme to Taunton leg which ever way around it is done


nothing has been decided yet . I assume LEJOG but nothing decided.
Can you see the uffculme Taunton map now?

County co-ordinators sounds like an excellent idea to me.

Re the length of the sections it doesn't really matter as long as each rider touches or 'passes on' to the next rider somewhere and it is continuous.

I would imagine the best way to do it is to have a 500 metre section near each handover so the next rider can start off and be rolling when the previous rider passes off to him . A rolling relay


ferret fur said:
To make it easier. Could we not use an existing route? I'm sure the CTC have produced some which could be used with permission?

this is the standard LEJOG route that we are using but the whole route needs to be broken down into approx 18 mile sections .

There is only the A38 in the South West. The LEJOG route is the shortest possible practical route .
Are you volunteering to map a few sections in your area ? :biggrin:;)you could use the route map Romero and Cracknel used and transfer it in 18 mile sections to Bikehike as I have just done.
We need all the help we can get .
peanut said:
I would imagine the best way to do it is to have a 500 metre section near each handover so the next rider can start off and be rolling when the previous rider passes off to him . A rolling relay

I would be handing over to you ... so as long as you dont do your 500 metre rolling start to quickly or i could be playing catch up on your 18 mile stint :biggrin:

I've got a week off work next week so i might even have a ride from Tiverton up to Taunton and see what the route is like



Not sure what that Beambridge hill is like coming your way but its a right stinker going the other way from Wellington. I did a ride from West Buckland to Williton a few weeks back and that hill nearly killed me what with the gale force head wind as well. phew.

I've got a right bitch at Addlestone just out of Taunton which is like a cliff :biggrin: otherwise mine is pretty flat the rest of the way.


Sorry all, left laptop at work monday afternoon and was out all yesterday. Regional co ordinators is an awesome idea and May I volunteer Peanut for the south west co-ordinator position? for the stella work he has done so far... nice one.

There are some cracking idea's on here and I do think we need an area of the forum that the organisers can talk uninterupted. Whilst lodging the attempt with the GWR I found no record of a similar attempt so we would be setting rather than trying to break a record. Speed for me isn't really the point, this forum is for everyone and the relay should also be for everyone, speedfreaks, serious and unserious commuters with mudguards alike. We will undoubtably have area's like manchester where we have too many cyclists for the region so some may have to travel a bit or we may have to draw names for the routes. and likwise, those in the south east may have to travel to get involved.


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
I assume that if there are areas where more than 1 person is available then groups could ride together to do that part... no reason to draw names for the "honour", is there?
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