Cycling in 33 Deg C (91 Deg F) weather hard for Long Distance Rides

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New Member
I live in Houston TX and am currently training for a 85 mile ride in the UK in September. My aim is not as much speed as finishing the ride feeling fairly good (endurance is important). The weather in Houston in the summer is very hot (91 F and up and the 100s are not at all unusual) and humid; I try to ride very early in the morning right after sunrise to be at least in the high 80s F but do encounter the hot temperature towards the end of my ride (that really cripples me). That said, I have a hard time riding in the heat for more that 45-50 miles and quite honestly I am a 15 mph rider that does mostly long rides. Will the benefit, for example, of riding 30 miles in two consecutive days be equivalent to a 60 miles ride in one day so that I can prepare adequately for my 85 miler in UK this September (the weather in UK in September is 55-67 Deg F; NICE)? Note that I am also doing some light interval training on my stationary bike at home. Please advise and offer your thoughts on my above inquiry.

Many Thanks, Abe


building up distance will be a great way to give you confidence you can easily do your sportive in September. Now it depends on how many days recovery you have after your 60 mile training ride?

If you are able to ride medium distance for several days consecutively and not feel fatigued, this will give sufficient training load as one longer ride with a few days rest afterwards. You dont need to doing all your rides with long steady distance. Have a couple short rides, but ride really fast and intense-noted indoor bike. These will give you power, boost V02 max.

Riding in a little bit of heat will be good to acclimatise in case of a hot event day. Hydrate very well throughout the event to prevent dehydration.

Sounds like you have it pretty much sorted, to summarise, short rides-ride really hard, long rides nice and steady. be consistent and remember to have rest days, also every third week out of 4 have an easier week training to refresh the body


Legendary Member
London, UK
Riding two consecutive days will help, but I don't think it will be the same as actually riding it in one day. Uhm, the only thing I can think of is riding at night, or even earlier in the mornings but I guess you might have considered that already and unable to do that?

Maybe riding 'only' 40 or 50 miles at a higher intensity will help.
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