Cycling into and out of Russia

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Active Member

My friend and I are planning on cycling across Europe next summer, and I was wondering if anyone has any experience of cycling into and out of Russia?

In an ideal world, I would like to cycle out of Estonia into Russia, and go around via St Petersburg into Finland. I do, however, envisage some potential problems rocking up to the Russian border with just a bicycle and no onward ticket.

Obviously I know I need to obtain a visa from the UK first, but I don't want to do it if I'm not going to be allowed in without an onward ticket...


Well-Known Member
you need an invitation (which you can get online), then you can apply for a visa...

within 3 days of arriving to russia, your passport needs to be registered (a hotel can do this, so I hope that is where you are staying!)

the onward ticket stuff should all be taken care of when you disclose your route on the visa application


New Member
I drove a car into and out of Russia.
1. you need a letter of invitation, this letter can be bought when you get your visa, they invite you to their home somewhere in Russia, cost around 15 pounds.
2. there are no need to get your visa validated, unless you are staying in the same place for three or more days, there are no evidence on your VISA that you have had it validated)
3. I drove in from Latvia, five hours in a queue, I reckon taking a car is more troublesome, due to the fact you need to fill out loads off forms.
4. forms where I was were not in English, if you have a choice of going Finland to Estonia then do that. As when I went into Norway all forms were in English (I drove via Norway back to UK).


New Member
I drove a car into and out of Russia.
1. you need a letter of invitation, this letter can be bought when you get your visa, they invite you to their home somewhere in Russia, cost around 15 pounds.
2. there are no need to get your visa validated, unless you are staying in the same place for three or more days, there are no evidence on your VISA that you have had it validated)
3. I drove in from Latvia, five hours in a queue, I reckon taking a car is more troublesome, due to the fact you need to fill out loads off forms.
4. forms where I was were not in English, if you have a choice of going Finland to Estonia then do that. As when I went into Norway all forms were in English (I drove via Norway back to UK).


New Member
I drove a car into and out of Russia.
1. you need a letter of invitation, this letter can be bought when you get your visa, they invite you to their home somewhere in Russia, cost around 15 pounds.
2. there are no need to get your visa validated, unless you are staying in the same place for three or more days, there are no evidence on your VISA that you have had it validated)
3. I drove in from Latvia, five hours in a queue, I reckon taking a car is more troublesome, due to the fact you need to fill out loads off forms.
4. forms where I was were not in English, if you have a choice of going Finland to Estonia then do that. As when I went into Norway all forms were in English (I drove via Norway back to UK).


Legendary Member
East Lothian
As already mentioned, the visa is dead eay to get, I have been there a few of times and was never asked where I was staying or how long I would be there, however I didn't cycle, just remember that half of Russia spends most of its time in a Vodka induced world, be aware that the drivers don't always bother to sober up.


Active Member

I was actually going to do a tour this year..Finland,Helsinki to Lithuania via St Petersburg. But I thought it so much hassle with visas and dates etc I have now decided on Vilnius to Helsinki, along the lake Peipsi easern side. This looks a nice trip so will do a Russian one some other time...Oh by the way I know you can get maps etc from Balti cycle, but I dont suppose anyone can give me a good cycle route of this area online...Ta
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