Cycling Snobs

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Davidc said:
But so are the rasins or sultanas in your toasted teacake or scone aren't they? :biggrin:

Oh yes.

Now, who hasn't heard my theory of how a chocolate eclair counts as four portions?

(flour comes from wheat - a vegetable. Chocolate comes from a bean, a vegetable. Butter and cream both come from grass....)

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Arch said:
Oh yes.

Now, who hasn't heard my theory of how a chocolate eclair counts as four portions?

(flour comes from wheat - a vegetable. Chocolate comes from a bean, a vegetable. Butter and cream both come from grass....)

They go through one heck of a change process before arriving as butter or cream which also leads to the question why are they not green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Somerset UK
Arch said:
Oh yes.

Now, who hasn't heard my theory of how a chocolate eclair counts as four portions?

(flour comes from wheat - a vegetable. Chocolate comes from a bean, a vegetable. Butter and cream both come from grass....)

No, butter and cream are definitely disallowed!

Tea ought to be a portion though (1 per mug), it's made from dried leaves.

the other thought is that you like sweet things (like cake) and sugar comes from one of two plants, so does it count?
I get people being snobish at my mountain bike (on-one inbred) for one of three reasons

1) its a hardtail
2) they've never heard of on-one
3) its converted to singlespeed so i must be too poor to afford gears (had the funds for disc brakes or gears so opted for brakes and quite liked singlespeed)

they then have some respect for me when I either keep up with them round the off road loop, bomb it down the decent quicker than them or beat them up a climb.

its not what you ride, its how you ride it.

i get similar reactions about my road bike as its a 60's carlton badly sprayed orange and running about 6 and a half gears.

i'm still quick (was before i took to driving everywhere due to it breaking)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Davidc said:
No, butter and cream are definitely disallowed!

Tea ought to be a portion though (1 per mug), it's made from dried leaves.

the other thought is that you like sweet things (like cake) and sugar comes from one of two plants, so does it count?

God, how could I forget the sugar!:laugh:

Sam Kennedy

New Member
Closest thing I've had to snobbery was someone who said 'I like your sponsored by Aldi approach', he was obviously kidding, then when I looked up we were wearing the same Jersey that was on sale the previous week :blush:


London, GB
Arch said:
Excellent, I'll put the kettle on. On that teeny bike in your post, I'll expect you sometime in 2014....:cry:

Not if I pedal to the rhythm of my beating heart :laugh:

Damn, I'm good, almost passable for an Italian.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
chap said:
Not if I peddle to the rhythm of my beating heart :laugh:

Damn, I'm good, I'll have to don a chest wig and perm my hair or something.


Come closer....

No, closer... That's it...

<whisper, very quietly in your ear>

It's pedal, not peddle....


Chest wig? <shudder>


London, GB
Arch said:

Come closer....

No, closer... That's it...

<whisper, very quietly in your ear>

It's pedal, not peddle....


Chest wig? <shudder>

Peddle? Only notes of love for you, my sweet! :sad:

Thank you CycleChat for the gift of the Edit function, less so for the ability to quote :laugh:

Ah, you don't dig Chest hair, well at least that's one expense (of time and money) that I can forgo, all the more for Afternoon tea :biggrin:


Active Member
Sam Kennedy said:
Closest thing I've had to snobbery was someone who said 'I like your sponsored by Aldi approach', he was obviously kidding, then when I looked up we were wearing the same Jersey that was on sale the previous week :biggrin:

:thumbsup: Me too! Gloves, jacket, sunglasses, t-shirts all Aldi :wacko:


New Member
North London
chap said:
Peddle? Only notes of love for you, my sweet! :thumbsup:

Thank you CycleChat for the gift of the Edit function, less so for the ability to quote :biggrin:

Ah, you don't dig Chest hair, well at least that's one expense (of time and money) that I can forgo, all the more for Afternoon tea :wacko:

Get a room!


New Member
West Midlands
mike.pembo said:
:biggrin: Me too! Gloves, jacket, sunglasses, t-shirts all Aldi :thumbsup:

Lidl here - jacket, sunglasses, panniers, polypropylene inner, padded shorts. :wacko:

Just bought a new set if panners from Lidl as well. £15 and seem pretty well made. If they last the three years that my existing Lidl panniers have done (and still going strong despite abuse) I'll be well pleased! :biggrin:
Snobbery does exist everywhere despite trying to repress it or ignore it. Most on here, me included, comment on BSOs etc.

There's a bloke who I see regularly, or at least his bike, as he goes into the same Tesco as is on my route to work. It's a "Seasure" folding mountain-style bike (not as bad as the folder in my other thread as it doesn't pretend to be something its not, basic functional equipment rather than novelty-looking stuff that doesn't work)

Fitted with an old-fashioned front basket the guy gets his daily shopping, hangs it on the front and pedals off in all weathers.

Is he riding a BSO? - well, yes, many would term it a BSO
Is he a "proper cyclist"? - daily use of the bike to get around - of course he is a "proper cyclist"

I make the assumption from his bike that he doesn't do anything other than commute, but then, he could have a £5000 machine wrapped in cotton wool at home for weekend use, who knows? More to the point,does it matter?


New Member
Sheffield_Tiger said:
Snobbery does exist everywhere despite trying to repress it or ignore it. Most on here, me included, comment on BSOs etc.

There's a bloke who I see regularly, or at least his bike, as he goes into the same Tesco as is on my route to work. It's a "Seasure" folding mountain-style bike (not as bad as the folder in my other thread as it doesn't pretend to be something its not, basic functional equipment rather than novelty-looking stuff that doesn't work)

Fitted with an old-fashioned front basket the guy gets his daily shopping, hangs it on the front and pedals off in all weathers.

Is he riding a BSO? - well, yes, many would term it a BSO
Is he a "proper cyclist"? - daily use of the bike to get around - of course he is a "proper cyclist"

I make the assumption from his bike that he doesn't do anything other than commute, but then, he could have a £5000 machine wrapped in cotton wool at home for weekend use, who knows? More to the point,does it matter?

My mother-in-law gets all her bicycles from the municipal dump. It's amazing what people will throw away. She's in her late sixties but I promise you she cycles more than most cyclists less than half her age and in all weathers. She's virtually the definition of a proper cyclist in my book.

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