Cycling with a fused ankle

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New Member
Hi everyone,

As part of an ongoing problem since birth I've had several operations on both feet and had my last at the beginning of 2014 whereby my right ankle has been completely fused into a 90 degree position, also leaving me about half an inch shorter on that side. I use an inner sole and adapt my own trainers most of the time to balance myself out.

I love cycling and this hasn't stopped my despite doubts as to how it would affect my cycling ability. I use toe straps as oppose to cleats (as I don't think I'd be able to use them) and seem to be getting on OK. I can't stand up on the bike as well as before but sitting is fine.

This may sound silly but I also have a very small calf muscle due to not being able to bend my ankle which has made me feel a bit self concious when riding in shorts, I'd love to overcome this self concious issue but its just one of those things I can't seem to shift.

I suppose I'm just wondering if anyone else is in a similar position and how they cope on the bike/ how far can you ride without it being too painful. Any tips on making it a more comfortable ride?

Thanks for reading!
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