Did I really do that?

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With the 20/20 clarity of middle age, I find I have dim memories of things I simply cannot believe I ever did. I cannot be alone in this...

On a bicycle: Collecting 2 children (7 and 4) from school. I was on a bicycle with a rack. 7YO on rack and 4YO on my shoulders, as there was a cycle path in/alongside an old railway cutting all the way home.

It was going fine, but I was holding the 4YO's calf with my left hand. On a descent (down from a closed bridge) I needed to brake 2-handed. 4YO slipped forward on my head as we slowed (I was no longer holding his calf) and pushed my hat over my eyes. This led to a comedy sequence of events. I let go of the rear brake to shove him back into place, meaning that I was braking while only steadying the bike with one hand and there was a shifting load... I all got a bit wobbly. We stayed on 2 wheels and we lived.

That was a lesson I shouldn't have had to learn. Both children involved in the above are now keen cyclists.

In a van: Driving late at night on the M40 and found my lighter was empty. "If I can reach that 5-litre Plasican in the back of the van, I can fill my lighter. No-one behind... slam on the anchors... here it comes. Good!"

"Grab the can, remove lid, put Zippo between legs and carefully fill, also liberally cover jeans and driver's seat in petrol. Carefully replace lid of Plastican, throw into back of van. Open window and hold lighter out in slipstream to dry it."

By now I was gasping for that smoke, so I just lit it up. No dramas, but the powerful stink of fuel in the cab reduced enjoyment of Camel filter. I gave up smoking shortly after that, as I thought it dangerous.

The bicycle thing was more than 10 years ago, the van more than 20. Neither fills me with pride, but no-one was hurt or inconvenienced either time.

Does anyone else feel stupid enough to risk the opprobrium of fellow CC members with a confession?

Or has everyone else always been a model road user?


Über Member
A good few years ago i was driving 7.5 ton trucks,just as tachographs came out,there was no way i was going to get all my deliveries done and back to the depot before my driving hours ran out and i was a good 40 miles away,it was dark,cold and rainy and approaching xmas and just wanted to get home,so i opened the tachograph fully so it would'nt register i was still driving, came to a roundabout and could'nt turn the wheel............the tacho tray fouled the steering wheel when it was open,a brown trouser moment i wrenched the wheel as hard as i could and ripped the tacho clean off the dash !!! A very expensive (for my boss) and foolhardy plan that did'nt really work,never done it since though.

Again in a truck,held my flask between my knees to open the lid and then had to break sharply to avoid a collision with a fallen tree........end result burnt man bits !!!!

when my eldest was 2(16 years ago) she was moaning,crying,whinging in the back of the car,no amount of consoling from either myself or my ex wife could calm her down,pulled into a lay by only to find the car seat laying on its side in the back seat,the wife (yes really) had forgotten to strap the seat in after strapping littlun into the seat.....oooops.


My mother quite often got half a dozen children (not all of them hers) into a hatchback - 4 on the back seat and 2 in the boot. You couldn't do that now...
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