Did you know your grandparents ?

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Openly Marxist
Threads That Are Way More Interesting Their OP Winner 2014.


No, both my Father's parents dies abroad when I was very young, my mother's father died before I was born and her mother took against me at 7 for being careless with her Chihuauhua, it was run over. She never spoke to me again and used to buy birthday and Xmas presents for my sister, but not me. A shame really as she was married 5 times and I'd liked to have met some of the "new" grandfathers.


I had a full set of grandparents until I was 10, my maternal grandmother was last to go when I was 24.
Always felt sad that both my sons grandad's had died long before he was born, grandad's are fantastic IMO!
If I was the op, I'd nip out and get a pet. I've seen that one come up too.

Ah but was it "first" pet or current pet? It could get confusing if it was current pet and then it died and you got a new one who would then by the new current pet. And multiple pets would be a nightmare, which one to choose and would the others take the huff?

If first - Patch, the fish
If current - take your pick: Jock, Ollie, Mungo, Solo, Buster


Just about surviving
All of mine are dead but I remember all except my maternal grandmother who died when I was still at primary school. I do, however, remember Harriet who grandad Bill married late in life. She'd been his childhood sweetheart but after WWI they'd lost touch and he met someone else. Florrie and Leonard were my paternal grandparents. Grandad died when I was in my late teens Nanna Flo when I was in my mid 20's.
I'm now 58 so being old doesn't mean you forget people.

Mrs M

Knew my maternal grandparents, Bill passed when I was young but remember him fondly, always wore a 3 piece suit with a watch on a chain and a trilby hat, greeting was always "hey up". (from Derbyshire). Never bought us sweets, always a brown bag from the grocer full of plums and grapes. loved to play cards and saved his coppers all year for us to share when he visited every summer. His wife, Eadie (Edith) lived to 95 but sadly grandad passed in his 60's.
Paternal grands were John from Ireland, a very quiet man who lived with his sheepdog, Don, he was well known and loved by all the locals. Don used to round us up and take us home from the park if we had been out after curfew.
Vaguely remember grandpas wife but not her name, was a bit scared of her!
I guess I'm lucky in that i knew quite a few of my grandparents and 2 of my great grandparents.

My maternal grandfather's father (so a great grandfather) died when I was 4 or 5.
My maternal grandmother's mother (so a great grandmother) is remember well, she died not long after my youngest sister was born so I would have been 15 or 16 when she died. I know her name and maiden name as well. She was 81.

My paternal grandmother died when I was 17. I only vaguely knew her because of the fact my real father and mother were divorced and it wasn't a nice divorce nor are the circumstances that led it to it. But I had regular contact with her by post in my teenage years after recontacting her behind my family's back.

My step-paternal grandmother (who lived locally until 2 years ago) is still alive and going on 87 or so. I don't see her that often anymore but if I can get down to the far south west of England to see here I do. Sadly I won't be able to see her before Christmas now as previously planned due to my current condition and impending operation.

I lived with my maternal grandparents for a while as a young child, something I remember well. My Grannie only died 4 years ago and I used to see her weekly for many years before going to university (as I did my grandfather). She died at 86.

My maternal grandfather is still alive at 92 years old. He lives locally and I see him a couple of times a month.

My 2nd step father only lost his mother after he met my mother, but before I knew him, so she died around 7 years ago. I know she was well into her 90's at the other end of it...

So for knowing them 2 of my great grandparents and 4/6 of my grandparents if you don't count my 2nd step father whom arrived on the scene 6 years ago along with another step-brother!


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Ah but was it "first" pet or current pet? It could get confusing if it was current pet and then it died and you got a new one who would then by the new current pet. And multiple pets would be a nightmare, which one to choose and would the others take the huff?

If first - Patch, the fish
If current - take your pick: Jock, Ollie, Mungo, Solo, Buster

You are making it as difficult for yourself as the original poster.

Give all of your pets the same name.
Patch the first fish
Patch the first guinea pig
Patch the first black and white dog
Patch the first curly dog
Patch the first cat
Patch the first parrot

You get my drift?

I won't charge for this advice.
The name of my first pet was Anne Funnel:thumbsup:
Did she look like this?

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