Did you know your grandparents ?

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This is weird to me. I knew all my grandparents, though Dad's father died when I was four after waiting for the inevitable killer stroke after having one, and I really only remember him from the knee down.

They were called Nanna & Poppa and Grandpa & Grandma.

I of course know their actual names, and the lovely ladies maiden names, but that's completely independent of my personal relationship with them.
Flick of the Elbow
I would very much like to know the details of my parents' families but unfortunately they've never appeared willing to talk about them and at their age, 90 and 84, I'm not about to start pestering them about it now.
Vernon I don't know what I've said to warrant your hostility on this thread. You're now added to my ignore list.


West Somerset
Have we mentioned great-grandparents yet? My great-grandmother on my mother's side stepped up when her daughter died to help look after the three children, and then lived with my family until she died when I was eight. She was known by several different nicknames but her given name was only used on official paperwork.


Midlands UK
My dad was born a few months after his dad died so we never got to know that grandad and grandma didn't want to talk about him, she wasn't the nicest person to know. My mum's dad died when I was about 5 so only have 1 memory of him although grandma was a big part of our lives growing up.
Have we mentioned great-grandparents yet? My great-grandmother on my mother's side stepped up when her daughter died to help look after the three children, and then lived with my family until she died when I was eight. She was known by several different nicknames but her given name was only used on official paperwork.
Yes. Several of us here have memories of them.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

In fact it's more secure to invent such passwords such as 'mother's maiden name', 'first school' etc. (hope I don't need to explain why) although of course it's harder to remember.

Mother's Maiden name for me is useless, as I frequently tell all and sundry what it is. Grundy. Which is quite funny, since I'm an Archer. (You'll understand if you're a listener...)


Legendary Member
I'm upset because the question smacks of ageism. I suspect that many of my age, over 50, would be hard pressed to answer this. I suspect that the question was selected by somebody considerably younger who doesn't appreciate that many of our grandfathers failed to make it through the war.

Forkin 'ell. Sorry but your determination to demonstrate your impeccable PC credentials just makes me shake my head in despair, for want of a polite description.


All of mine were well dead before I was born...a long long time before I was born....an advantage as nobody would be able to work it out. So if asked I would say mesopatania...and that is an extra level of security!


Legendary Member
Two of mine were in NZ - never met 'em. My Grandad over here dies when I was, I think, three. Never knew him. My Gran over here was ok, but a died-in-the-wool Hyacinth Bucket Tory...amiable enough in a jolly hockey sticks sort of way, but we never quite saw eye to eye.


I guess I'm lucky in that i knew quite a few of my grandparents and 2 of my great grandparents.

My maternal grandfather's father (so a great grandfather) died when I was 4 or 5.
My maternal grandmother's mother (so a great grandmother) is remember well, she died not long after my youngest sister was born so I would have been 15 or 16 when she died. I know her name and maiden name as well. She was 81.

My paternal grandmother died when I was 17. I only vaguely knew her because of the fact my real father and mother were divorced and it wasn't a nice divorce nor are the circumstances that led it to it. But I had regular contact with her by post in my teenage years after recontacting her behind my family's back.

My step-paternal grandmother (who lived locally until 2 years ago) is still alive and going on 87 or so. I don't see her that often anymore but if I can get down to the far south west of England to see here I do. Sadly I won't be able to see her before Christmas now as previously planned due to my current condition and impending operation.

I lived with my maternal grandparents for a while as a young child, something I remember well. My Grannie only died 4 years ago and I used to see her weekly for many years before going to university (as I did my grandfather). She died at 86.

My maternal grandfather is still alive at 92 years old. He lives locally and I see him a couple of times a month.

My 2nd step father only lost his mother after he met my mother, but before I knew him, so she died around 7 years ago. I know she was well into her 90's at the other end of it...

So for knowing them 2 of my great grandparents and 4/6 of my grandparents if you don't count my 2nd step father whom arrived on the scene 6 years ago along with another step-brother!
My Great Grandad outlived all but one of my grandparents.
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