Digital switch rant...slightly

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A bit of background:

My parents have an ancient TV (with no remote and brown plastic round the screen - it's that old) which has finally packed up after 25 years. So I'm doing some research into their TV options.

Now they live in an area with no cable, and not a great picture (which I believe makes 'Free' view a doubtful prospect) so it appears that their options after the 'digital switch over' will be Sky.....or Sky. How is this a choice? How is this better than what's available now? They have the choice of, pay the Murdoch empire x amount every month for a load of junk, or don't watch TV at all. And if you want to tape programmes you aren't watching, that's more money for Murdoch.

They aren't heavy TV users, just want the basic 4 channels really, but you have to have a lot of extra dross along with. Even Freeview has 18 channels. 18!!!! That's a lot of reality TV.

What's the best thing to advise? I don't know a lot about it, and don't want them saddled with the wrong choice - for the next 25 years!!


Über Member
Firstly, can you not get their existing set repaired?

Secondly, look into second hand sets, you should be able to find one as cheap as chips or if you're lucky someone will pay you to come and collect their old CRT model.

Failing that, just set a budget and buy the best you can.

No one in the country is going to be forced to buy Sky services they don't want, television is nationwide public service, there are laws on availability.


I suggest the reason that the analogue picture is poor is because the power of the transmitter is being turned down each year to encourage people to go digital. I propose that if contact an TV aerial man and ask advice, you might find that a new aerial is needed to get the TV service you need. It will probably cost a bit, but you will get a stronger signal and be able to put a digi box. I have recently done this and the difference is quite marked.


Über Member
South Norfolk
Have you looked into FreeSat? It is still a relatively new service but is tipped to be the successor to Freeview. It is basically Freeview through a satellite for those who don't want sky and don't have a good aerial reception.


A second-hand CRT TV should be OK, I would've thought. You could get a good'un for about £20.

If they do go for sky, they could get the minimum package and not renew after a year. The free channels will still get shown on the box.


Resting in suspended Animation
Wolfbane it. You need some info about the signal. I doubt you are in an area as bad as you describe but it's possible.

Lots of people can't get cable, that's irrelevent.

You've loads of options.

Freesat from Sky (FSFS) £75 one off.
Freesat. £150.
Sky. Whatever offer they're doing at the moment.
Other FTA satellite.
Freeview. Either from a repeater transmitter or primary transmitter. They don't necessarily offer the same services, people just assume they do.

If you have a CRT without a scart, drag out that old vcr. My previous girlfriend's parents second tv was hooked up thus after a lot of whinging by them about myths about poor pictures and they couldn't get channel 5. If I still had my old digibox I'd send it you for free but it went to someone else.

Is your parent's aerial even pointing at the main transmitter?

Analogue is crap in some areas, I live in an area that was so. Digital works fine. Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there that expect it to work on a small indoor aerial. If you have a high quality yagi (or other aerial), set up on the roof of your house, at suffient height, with the cable not compromised (it hasn't decayed) it is extremely likely you will get a decent freeview service, even if it is just the PSB muxes. N.B. Non-rooftop aerials seriously can seriously compromise the signal as can blown off course aerials.


New Member
Hmm thanks all, some interesting points. I'm going by the Digital TVs own website when I say I assume a dodgy analogue signal=no Freeview....but how do you find out if it's going to work before buying stuff if they don't know???

Anyway I think they'll buy a decent new TV set - it's just what flavour of digital thingie bob to get (as you can see I REALLY don't know/care about this - my plan is to wait until analogue is gone and see if I miss it enough to buy any stuff - of course Mr M will probably go and get Sky while I'm out.........)



The difference between analogue and digital is a £20 (or less) box from Tesco. You can fit it to any (most) televisions. But, you need a reasonably strong signal for it to work.


Resting in suspended Animation
Borrow a mate's digibox?

The digital website says a lot of things. For a start the non-suppliers one is vague and not as accurate as wolfbane. A lot of areas are in "weak" signal areas and digital works absolutely tip top fine. When I was at university I lived in a weak signal area. Those houses that had a properly maintained aerial and cables worked fine. Those that didn't, didn't. I live in a weak signal area fine. You can even get an acceptablish service with it not on the roof but I'm not recommending it.

Dodgy analogue does not correspond to dodgy freeview but it may be a guide. If you have a properly functioning aerial freeview's probably the best for your parents. i.e. it gives them what they want and for £20 or less. If they are buying a brand new tv they'll probably be a freeview tuner in it.
An old TV should keep them going for now. They are just about worthless. You could upgrade them to a remote control!

Between now and the time the analogue signal is switched off will there be an upgrade of the digi signal?? I think they said it will get better as the analogue is using up "room" or something like that.


Resting in suspended Animation
Over The Hill said:
An old TV should keep them going for now. They are just about worthless. You could upgrade them to a remote control!

Between now and the time the analogue signal is switched off will there be an upgrade of the digi signal?? I think they said it will get better as the analogue is using up "room" or something like that.

Yup for most (not all) transmitters. Wolfbane are actually authoring a new predictor for post switch-over as it's getting close for some. In November 2009 winter hill and the north west will be undergoing this process. The number of houses post all this that can get freeview will increase vastly from the current 73%.
Try signing up with freecycle, locally to me I would guess that 4 to 5 TV's are given away each week (I've given away 2 myself) You will have a local group near to you where ever you are ! That cuts the cost of a TV. I lived in a bad signal area and found that The only way I could get a reliable Digi signal was to use a signal/antenna amplifier or booster as you will see them called. just bear in mind that if you do need a descent antenna for free view and you cannot erect it yourself you could be looking at £100 plus to get one installed which may make other options look a little better.

Mr Pig

New Member
Morrisette said:
their options after the 'digital switch over' will be Sky.....or Sky.

Can they get that? Some areas can't, basically ones that have a hill between them and the satellite.

If they get 'a' TV picture they should get a better one or digital with a better aerial, maybe mounted higher up. You can still buy brand new CRT televisions and they're cheap. We have three Sony Trinitron CRTs in the house, the tubes last forever!


New Member
Mr Pig said:
Can they get that? Some areas can't, basically ones that have a hill between them and the satellite. QUOTE]

Other houses in the street have dishes....

Apparently they are going to try and get the old TV repaired (again). It takes 5 minutes for the picture to appear apparently. Last time they had to find an old boy in the back office who used to do CRT repairs, because no one else knew how to do it....

But thanks for the knowledge everyone! When the time comes, hopefully it will be a bit better - they're in Anglia region so the switch is still a couple of years off.

I still don't see why they/I/anyone has to have 'Nuts TV' and all the rest of it on the minimum package available....I think a service offering just the PSB channels and nothing else would find a market from people who don't want all the cr*p. I'd buy one!

Maybe I'm old-fashioned......................:becool::biggrin:
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