Doctor who.

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Legendary Member
Like most things, there will be a few episodes to set the scene, establish new characters and place pointers for the grand finale.
I'm hopeful tonight was a one off and I'm certainty looking forward to the return of John Simm!
I'm hopeful tonight was a one off and I'm certainty looking forward to the return of John Simm!

I am wondering about the Missy/ Master double act....

There is a definite pantomime villain with each and the combination. could be fun


It's too PC these days. Nothing like the old days.Green Death Day of the Daleks Daemons Sea Devils bla bla bla.

That's not really the point though is it? The BBC (and others) have a tendency of flogging it to death and it goes on and on and on and goes a bit stale...Take only fools and Horses...Great in it's time but it was going nowhere and it wouldn't have been the first to do this...Being too PC or whatever has nothing to do with it.Boredom does.

Look at all those that ended early like Fawlty Towers and a classic that ended after twelve episodes leaving us wanting more.I could name more.
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Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
Never had a problem with Daleks and cybermen.
Call me strange but my most frightening Dr Who moment ever was Tom Baker crossed with a cactus!
Blink was fantastic. Genuinely unsettling even for (some) adults.

For me the writing has been poor throughout the Smith/Capaldi era, although the current series is encouraging. Someone should exterminate Capaldi's guitar.

The Essex Spurs

Well-Known Member
Witham Esssex
That's not really the point though is it? The BBC (and others) have a tendency of flogging it to death and it goes on and on and on and goes a bit stale...Take only fools and Horses...Great in it's time but it was going nowhere and it wouldn't have been the first to do this...Being too PC or whatever has nothing to do with it.Boredom does.

Look at all those that ended early like Fawlty Towers and a classic that ended after twelve episodes leaving us wanting more.I could name more.
I think it might be the point because in the past it was just scary fun with the odd bit of stuff scantily clad for dad to enjoy.
Never had a problem with Daleks and cybermen.
Call me strange but my most frightening Dr Who moment ever was Tom Baker crossed with a cactus!
Blink was fantastic. Genuinely unsettling even for (some) adults.

For me the writing has been poor throughout the Smith/Capaldi era, although the current series is encouraging. Someone should exterminate Capaldi's guitar.

That sentiment strikes a chord, ... should we string along and see how it develops, or stop fretting and take an axe to it?


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
That sentiment strikes a chord, ... should we string along and see how it develops, or stop fretting and take an axe to it?

I've not stopped watching, if that answer's your question. Can't get my kids into it though - they think it's too scary.
Not saying you should, but I don't understand why you stay in GB, Gav. There are enough Victor Meldrews here already, we don't need to import them. :okay:

I'm 57 and I started to watch Dr. Who in the mid '60s (IIRC) so it's something you grow up with, and either like or dislike (same as Marmite, which I'm convinced that you hate, and will soon start a thread about it - although I suspect you already have).


The Green Death was a Jon Pertwee series I think. I prefer when the story lines were 3 episodes I think back in the day.

I think that Kris Marshall is due to be named as the next Dr, which has I'm looking forward to.

Tom Baker was definitely my favourite, then Jon Pertwee. The creatures that frightened me the most were the Sontarans back in the 70s

Tin Pot

I hid behind the sofa from the Cybermen.

My son doesn't find anything scary, and my daughter acts on Tv occasionally so she just thinks everything is play acting.

I think dr who explores some interesting ideas, it's a shame my kids aren't interested.
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