Does anyone keep bees?

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Über Member
Uncle Mort said:
We had an old orchard and for some reason it would often attract swarms. An old bloke would come along with a cardboard box and a blanket and knock the swarm off the branch and into the box with a stick. He didn't even wear a face mask.

just like my uncle - he wears no kit whatsoever - reckons the bees know hime so they don't attack.:sad:

Amanda P

Legendary Member
It depends on the bees.

Working in the countryside, I have got to know a few beekeepers. They'll tell you that some colonies are very laid back, and won't sting unless they're really provoked. Others are grumpy as hell, and will attack en masse anything that comes close to their hive.

They like to know about swarms - bees swarm when they're thinking about moving house. They might set up in a hollow in a tree, in your attic, or even in the boot of your car if they think it'll suit. When a beekeeper gets to hear about a swarm he'll come running. It might be one of his colonies. Once it's in the box, he can introduce it to one of his hives and induce it to stay there. Even if it isn't one of his colonies, he can adopt it anyway!

Although he may regret it if it turns out to be a colony of grumpy bees.

As Winnie the Pooh said, you never can tell with bees...

Amanda P

Legendary Member
There's something wierd about stings and auto-immune diseases. Some people have had very bad attacks of arthritis triggered by stings (including my poor old dog - he could hardly move after he was stung last year).
Rigid Raider said:
Masonry bees. They are actually eating your house.

They'd have trouble, it's a wood framed house with shiplap on the outside and wattle and daub on the inside. Or perhaps they’re eating the daub and will be through the wall in a couple few years…months…weeks…days.


Über Member
Wow lots of post, thanks everyone. :smile:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Now listen, you'll never get a hive in your yard, especially after I bring those tomato plants for you...:smile:


Über Member
Oh but if I move, hmm, the shed a bit then I would. Bikepete doesn't really need it... Anyway knowbody (Pete), will ever no they were there. :smile:
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