Doping In Football

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Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
Dispatches, C4 8;00 Monday night, the results of an investigation into doping in football which claims to have evidence that positive tests have been covered up.

Should make interesting viewing.
Isn't there a Man City player who has just came back from a drug ban also? I'm maybe wrong but it seems to have been played down compared to other sports.


Money talks. It also gags. Not in their interest to wash dirty linen in public, though I doubt the fans would care, still pay £45 or more to watch 90 minutes of "entertainment". One thing certain, if they want the stuff there won't be a problem with the cost.
Remember players who had bad injuries going to Turkey for treatment with "Calf placenta", and coming back a few weeks later so much better, able to play again? Administered by injection, by any chance. About as likely to be what is claimed as the Chinese "turtle blood" claims for athletes years ago, when the performances improved beyond belief. The testers found out something different, if you recall.
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