Down, but not out...

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Swinglish Mountain Goat
Came off at about 50kph yesterday (at the 9km point of a 130km ride). It was totally my own fault as I got my line horribly wrong going into a left hander and had nowhere to go other than off the road. Cue a trip through an electric fence (amazingly I managed to fly in-between the parallel wires approximately 1 metre horizontally apart) and into a farmer’s field (who was in it at the time). The attached image captures my trajectory well :smile:

Getting both myself and the bike back through the electric fence probably looked very funny to the farmer perched in his tractor, coolly observing the kerfuffle. After checking the bike, I set off again, though standing up and left-hand shifting/braking was impossible. Fortunately the route was fairly flat and I could grind up some of the climbs.
Aside the bar tape being ripped to shreds and light scuffing to the front fork, there's no major damage to the bike. I'm pretty banged up though - left wrist is bad (think I stretched the tendon/ligaments when going down) and I've some lovely road rash on my left leg.
I'd actually skived of work for the day and went for a ride (without telling my wife) - how am I going to explain the knackered wrist and bandages on my leg? Wore PJs all last night and it was boiling so may have to 'fess up...
Also, it was a year to the day I broke my left femur in a cycling accident...spooky!


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Ouchy ouchy ow ow :sad:

GWS :hugs:


I was right about that saddle
You do a lot of miles, you're more likely to have the occasional excursion, all part of the fun.


Swinglish Mountain Goat
I was about to say didn't you have a big accident before?

I think you need to start learning something from this. Are you having 'accidents' or riding beyond your ability and the conditions?

Accident in 2013 was due to a faulty borrowed bike (last time I'm using someone elses vintage machine!), this one was due to my own misjudgment. I race and need to practice take corners at racing speed - unfortunately, I got this one wrong. In reality, it's more like 2 accidents in over 20 years of cycling (5y racing), of which only one was down to my error. I reckon most people (certainly fellow racers) would be happy with that.

I wouldn't say I was riding beyond my ability, more a case of lack of concentration and mis-reading a corner. Unfortunately, I can't even blame the conditons, it was roasting here yesterday (roasting for a Geordie anyway) :smile:
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Swinglish Mountain Goat
Thanks to all for GWS! Feel alright today and am off for an easy ride :smile:


Active Member
Lucky with the electric fence but precision aiming through the fence!! Kudos to you though for getting back on and getting on with it, hope the wife wasen't too mad, did she find it funny in the end?


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Did you know the route and just got carried away witrh the speed you'd cranked up or was it an unknown bend herz? Glad you're OK but maybe try it a bit slower next time? :thumbsup:
Wait, wait, wait...I just read the original post but had missed the bit about being 9km in on a 130km ride! You carried on and finished??? If so, major kudos mate!!! TBH I'd give you kudos for just getting back on the bike again to get home!
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