Drunken Ebay Bids and/or Purchases

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Once won an old combine harvester for a total bargain £32!!!. Was wondering if you could drive one up the motorway from Yorkshire when owner backed out ruining a potential amazing adventure :sad:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I once bought a grounded Railway Van that was on a farm for the grand total of..... Wait for it...... 99P.
You know, the old freight wagons without the wheels that people on farms use to store things in?

I was going to use it for storage purposes as I was thinking about preserving something at the time, but I didn't have anywhere readily available to put it, and the transportation costs to Scotland alone would have been silly (It was in Oxfordshire), and also it turned out to be in worse condition than the seller originally thought, so (thankfully) with a lot of understanding from the seller, it was abandoned!! :blush::laugh:

I wonder whatever happened to it.

Once won an old combine harvester for a total bargain £32!!!. Was wondering if you could drive one up the motorway from Yorkshire when owner backed out ruining a potential amazing adventure :sad:

Damn!! We could have set up a farm together!! :laugh:

had a mate who dad was a millionaire got pi**ed one night and spent £70000 on some harleys davidsons from ebay . he kept them for a few months with the intention of passing his test but never got around to it so sold them on . not sure if he made a profit or not

I usually stop and question myself at £70, never mind 70 grand!!


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Not a purchase, but a sale I once put up after "having had a few too many".
It was an old Talbot Samba convertible. An absolute POS with a dodgy MOT; that thing was on it's last legs. I reckoned I would have been lucky to get £50 for it, but lo and behold some mug took it off my hands for £750 :laugh:. A819JLE; where are you now? More than likely abandoned somewhere between my place and the lucky winners place. Nearer mine, I would think!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Not a purchase, but a sale I once put up after "having had a few too many".
It was an old Talbot Samba convertible. An absolute POS with a dodgy MOT; that thing was on it's last legs. I reckoned I would have been lucky to get £50 for it, but lo and behold some mug took it off my hands for £750 :laugh:. A819JLE; where are you now? More than likely abandoned somewhere between my place and the lucky winners place. Nearer mine, I would think!


It's currently in France apparently. My buyer got it working again and, after a year or so, sold it to someone who was going to France with it.


Rural Kent
Or some sort of Jeffrey Archer fanboy.
Can you imagine the social ignominy...

I think he could get away with it as long as it wasn't in a penthouse overlooking the Thames.


She's the cats pajamas
County Durham
I went to the post office on Saturday to pick up what I assumed was another random amazon book purchase. Turned out to be, well let's just say I couldn't understand what the hell I was thinking buying such a thing, was I drunk, could anyone get that drunk??:addict:

We laughed about it all the way home...

Until I got a text from my friend down South asking if my 'gift' had arrived :wacko:
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