Dunwich dynamo

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Rock bus

Über Member
I’m tempted by the idea of doing this having had to bail out of ride london .
anyone in here done it? Interested to know how your thoughts on it?


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
There's quite a few threads about it in Recreational Rides thread.

I've done it twice, once with a friend and once solo.
It's good fun once the logistics of getting home from the finish have been organised.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
It’s quite the mix of riders and if you like night riding you’ll love it. Once past Epping it’s lovely quiet lanes dominated by the riders. As above work out your logistics for getting home as you can’t just go to nearest train station.


Legendary Member
It's good fun once the logistics of getting home from the finish have been organised.

Yes, I've been tempted, but the logistics thing put me off. I one did London to Brighton on a tandem, so drove down the day before (and caught a train back) so had the car to return home in. Whilst I could do the same for Dunwich, driving back from Suffolk after all night riding is less of an appeal, although guess grabbing a bit of kip either on the beach or in the car is an option.

Its a big ask for the OH to say please get up before dawn and drive to the Suffolk coast to pick me up please.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
My first DD was with a friend whose wife dropped us in Enfield where we rode to London Fields then she picked us up at the end to drive us back to Hamtun.
Second time, solo, I got the train to Euston, did the ride then continued to Lowestoft (which totted up to 137 miles) to get a lift back in one of the trucks of the company I work for.


Kilometre nibbler
I'm a fan of night riding with the Fridays but this has never appealed, mainly because of the problems of getting home.

In 2013 I did a night ride along the route with @Flying Dodo , late of this parish. Unfortunately I couldn't go all the way to Dunwich as I had to get home pronto for some reason (I forget why) so I turned off and went to Ipswich and got the train home.



I've always been tempted, Dunwich isn't far from me so getting home would be easier than getting to the start... perhaps I should look in to doing it 🤔


Über Member
I did it in 2018 and 2019 with friends. I'm hoping to do it again this year. Both years we were picked up by partners. As said above It's a big ask: a 2hr drive, walk along the beach, some fish and chips and drive back to the sound of snoring cyclists.
I live about a mile from the start and it literally goes past my house. I nipped out to collect pizza as people were setting off last year and I was so gutted not be joining them. If I could've found a way to get back I'd have scoffed the pizza and gone.
If I can fit it into the family calendar I'll book onto the return coach this year:

@JhnBssll I believe its possible to get the train from Suffolk to Liverpool Street Station on the Saturday (about 15 minutes ride from the start). It just the Sunday that they refuse to let bikes on.


Legendary Member
London, UK
I'm rather excited to be riding RideLondon in a few days. Not only have I never done it, but I havent ridden any organised ride for many years.

Suddenly I started thinking about what I will do once RL is finished. What can I look forward to? I love the feeling of being excited about a future event but i wont have anything... Until i saw this thread!

Logistics, logistics, I've gotta think about that next if there's any chance of me riding it.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
One mention re the start at London Fields....
Don't inhale too deeply or you'll float the first 15 miles on a fragrant cloud... 🤪🧙


Well-Known Member
I've ridden it 8 times over the last 12 years, sometimes with my sons ,sometimes with friends and twice solo except for the hundreds of others, if you get my drift. The London traffic is for me, challenging until Epping, thereafter as the night draws in and the rural Essex roads are reached, the ride eventually becomes eerily quiet. The pitch black roads are punctuated by brightly lit country pubs offering both beer and burgers. Later in the ride pop up snack waggons and enterprising people villagers offer refreshments.
I'm not bored with it yet, as each ride experience changes with the company, weather and my level of fitness make each ride unique.
I'd recommend it.


Legendary Member
London, UK
I've ridden it 8 times over the last 12 years, sometimes with my sons ,sometimes with friends and twice solo except for the hundreds of others, if you get my drift. The London traffic is for me, challenging until Epping, thereafter as the night draws in and the rural Essex roads are reached, the ride eventually becomes eerily quiet. The pitch black roads are punctuated by brightly lit country pubs offering both beer and burgers. Later in the ride pop up snack waggons and enterprising people villagers offer refreshments.
I'm not bored with it yet, as each ride experience changes with the company, weather and my level of fitness make each ride unique.
I'd recommend it.

This is a very nice write-up. I think I should make an effort to do it this year....

Edit: fixed typos
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