Durham Times Letters Page

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Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
I thought this letter had sort of got a good point...................

until the last two paragraphs !

Darling’s blunder

Sir, - I HAVE just read a new version of Lewis Carroll's Alis(tair) in Blunderland.

It is a lot more serious than the original and is now called The Budget.

Not a lot of 12 to 17-year-olds (the so-called binge drinking ages) drink pints of beer in pubs, but it has gone up by 4p per pint (Obviously hasn't been out since the end of WWII !!*).

Neither do you see many of this age group staggering about clutching bottles of whisky or wine, but taxes on these have both been raised by more than the laughable 3p per litre on cider, which is one of this age group's favourite tipples.

The young bingers, sorry, drunks, must be raising their bottles and saying "Thank you, Darling".

To help control pollution, the Chancellor has murdered the large car brigade (4x4, etc), but still intends to open new runways at Heathrow and Stansted**.

We run a 4x4 because it is easier at our ages to get in and out of and also gives us a safer feeling by riding higher.

ROY BACONBURG East Wheatfifth

* (My Insert)

** Eh? You live just outside Durham !

The final paragraph made me fall of me seat. You ever seen an old 'un struggle into a Range Rover or Disco ? They need a bloody Stannah !!


Some people feel the need to justify having a 4x4 as there seems to be a "witch hunt". People should just accept some people drive 4x4s, just in the same way some people have Sky TV. And some people fart in the bath.


Resting in suspended Animation
I've seen superhuge 4x4s driven by an "old 'uns" with Hell's Grannies pulled out of the back with superhuman strength (I don't think I could lift one that easily).


New Member
the thing with binge drinking is that people will buy the cheapest alcohol on offer, if its beer then it's beer, if thats cider then its cider.

regarding the 4X4 many have running boards helping to step in, however a car like my grandparents have, a renault kangoo, allows for just sitting into it

as for 4x4 safety, hit the central barrier of the motorway at more than 30 degrees at 70mph and your vehicle stands a high chance of rolling over it...


I eat pies as there is less chance of me being killed walking to the pie shop than there is if I walk to the health food shop as it is situated on the other side of the street - and I may be knocked down by a cyclist ignoring the red light.
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