Eating pigeons

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All uphill

Still rolling along
In a recent discussion on CC the number of pigeons in our gardens was bemoaned.

Coincidentally I was in the local park with friends yesterday and somebody asked if people eat the pigeons, and if not, why not?

There does seem to be a certain logic - times are hard and here is a supply of free, tasty meat.

Would you be happy to eat pigeons from your park or garden?


Über Member
somebody asked if people eat the pigeons, and if not, why not?
I'm sure some people do, but it's illegal to kill them. So it's probably a safer bet to get a bit of chicken from the butcher/supermarket than hunt pigeons in the park.


Über Member
part grey squirrel.
Yes, don't eat those cute red ones


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Wood pigeons are really tasty but urban ones are rumoured to be disease-ridden. Apparently the way to catch some is to wander into Trafalgar Square with a holdall with a few scraps of bread inside. Sit down and open the holdall and wait for some pigeons to investigate. Casually zip it up and wander away with your takeaway supper.
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