Edinburgh to Cornwall

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New Member
Ashford, Kent
i am looking for some thoughts on a ride i am planning on doing this time next year from Edinburgh to Cornwall. Google earth tells me its 562 miles. neither me or my three friends have ever even done 15 miles in one go, so we know little about how many miles we will average on in a day or how long we will be able to cycle for. Some good advice from some experienced riders would be appreciated ;). Before i was looking at doing about 80 miles a day for 7 days. Possible? or could we manage more?
How far it is depends on which way you go. Straight down A roads might be 562 miles but it will be a horrible, dangerous riding experience...so what is the route?

80 miles per day for 7 days is possible, but you need to be used to doing that distance, which means training.

Will you have support? Or are you going to do it on your own (ie no back up vehicle)?

Cornwall is also an absolutely sh1te place to ride a bike. If you stop at the edge of Devon you'll be a lot happier!

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Kirstie said:
How far it is depends on which way you go. Straight down A roads might be 562 miles but it will be a horrible, dangerous riding experience...so what is the route?

80 miles per day for 7 days is possible, but you need to be used to doing that distance, which means training.

Will you have support? Or are you going to do it on your own (ie no back up vehicle)?

Cornwall is also an absolutely sh1te place to ride a bike. If you stop at the edge of Devon you'll be a lot happier!

The only downfall of going to Cornwall is that you have to go through Devon to get there.;)

Kirstie, to say Cornwall is a bad place to ride a bike depends on what you are hoping to achieve. If you want flat roads then forget it but if you like some hilly terrain then it's as good as anywhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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