Ethical energy company? Weird...

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Legendary Member
Used to get really hacked off with British Gas for setting over-high direct debits and sitting on big credit balances. Switched to some people called Tonik about a year ago, and just got an email to say they've reduced my payments:

At Tonik we complete member account reviews every six months; we consider your actual usage, what we think you will use in the coming months (projected consumption), your current balance, and your current monthly payment amount.

We do this to make sure that your monthly payments adequately reflect your overall usage throughout the whole of the year - so that at the end of your fixed term with us, you are as close to a zero account balance as possible.

Energy usage can fluctuate from one year to the next due to a number of factors such as outdoor temperatures and the number of people living in a home. This makes predicting future energy usage tricky but we try our best to make sure we are not overcharging you. That’s also why we think it’s only fair for you to earn 3% interest on your balance whenever you are in credit with us.

That seems reasonable!

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
Used to get really hacked off with British Gas for setting over-high direct debits and sitting on big credit balances. Switched to some people called Tonik about a year ago, and just got an email to say they've reduced my payments:

At Tonik we complete member account reviews every six months; we consider your actual usage, what we think you will use in the coming months (projected consumption), your current balance, and your current monthly payment amount.

We do this to make sure that your monthly payments adequately reflect your overall usage throughout the whole of the year - so that at the end of your fixed term with us, you are as close to a zero account balance as possible.

Energy usage can fluctuate from one year to the next due to a number of factors such as outdoor temperatures and the number of people living in a home. This makes predicting future energy usage tricky but we try our best to make sure we are not overcharging you. That’s also why we think it’s only fair for you to earn 3% interest on your balance whenever you are in credit with us.

That seems reasonable!

You want to ask for a larger direct debit, you don't get 3% at the banks.


Legendary Member
So they review it every 6 months?

At the end of winter they review it, see you've been burning loads of gas/leccy, and then raise the DD just in time for you to switch the heating off and slash your gas consumption.

I don't believe a word any of them say.


Legendary Member
So they review it every 6 months?

At the end of winter they review it, see you've been burning loads of gas/leccy, and then raise the DD just in time for you to switch the heating off and slash your gas consumption.

I don't believe a word any of them say.
Well, as Seadog says, that would work fine for me. Damned if I can find a deposit account that pays 3%.


Have they now? Kept quiet about that...

Drago's right of course...they're all scoundrels and ne'er-do-wells.

I feel I have to dispute this assertion in regard Tonik energy and agree with the OP. I been with them for 16 months and at the last renewal was happy to stay. Customer service is excellent, we get green energy without paying a premium and Tonik was only £30 more expensive than the cheapest quote for the current year.

My DD has been reviewed both up and down three times. Today I'm £64.70 in credit on a monthly DD of £81.36. It's hard to see how a supplier could be more accurate. Currently we're on target to come in below the projected cost for the year.

We will build up an higher credit balance over the next 2-3 months but I'm happy with this to ensure the winter quarter is covered.

If I wish I can request my balance is refunded at anytime.

Seems fair to me. Highly recommended.


Eh up
I can set my payments at whatever I see fit with Bulb I tend to run with a small credit

I can also set my payments, OVO suggested I up my payments by a ridiculous amount to get rid of a deficit, there have been times when I was well in credit, so its swings and roundabouts, I increased it to what I thought was reasonable and come winter we should be about even, if they don't like it there are other suppliers.
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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I am with Bulb as well. Excellent company. I can also decided what to pay each month and I go with a credit build up so that I can use more electricity in the winter months without being afraid that my Bill's will suddenly increase by a stupid amount . I really like bulb. So much better than Scottish power.

Deleted member 1258

Submit meter readings every month and pay the exact bill every quarter. Not giving the energy highwaymen a penny more than I owe.

I pay by direct debit, I couldn't afford to pay quarterly, I'm with OVO, have been for a while now, if I build up too much in my account I can have the excess back, I pay a little too much every month and treat it like a savings account.


But they're not the cheapest, and still take more money than you owe?

Obviously this is factually correct but regarding not being the cheapest I'm always happy to pay extra for quality service. £30 pa is not much and it fits my philosophy of one gets what one pays for.

Keeping my money? Yes true but as a pensioner on limited income I want to know my monthly outgoings and avoid surprises. Roughly speaking Tonik are holding 0.064% of my annual cost. I'd earn bugger all on that in the bank but get 3% from Tonik - which is still bugger all. :laugh:


I pay by direct debit, I couldn't afford to pay quarterly, I'm with OVO, have been for a while now, if I build up too much in my account I can have the excess back, I pay a little too much every month and treat it like a savings account.

Me too. It's the security of knowing what is in the bank each month after bills are covered is mine to spend.

When we worked overspending wasn't a big issue. On a pension it is.
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