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Well what can I say...it was really really hard! but the sense of achievement afterwards and knowing that you have become a member of a very exclusive club is amazing.
I hope by putting this in the forum it will inspire other riders to give it a crack, the founder Andy Van Bergen has a clip on Youtube and says that over 51% of people that attempt an Everesting don't make it.
That just gave me more motivation to do it and hopefully will do for others as well. Don't get me wrong the stats don't lie and it was the hardest thing I have ever done BUT it is in your hands.
It took me around 17 hours moving time but 26 hours in total...a lot of that time was wasted with Garmin problems, needing better lights, longer breaks because of my knee's etc etc.

The body starts to shut down at a certain point and then it's all a mind game....how strong is yours.

I hope to read some other people's Everesting achievements in this forum soon.




I assume this means climbing over the height of Everest in one ride? (The website doesn't seem to say this in words of one syllable.)


North London
Good effort. I'd have given up at any one of those issues. Kudos for sticking with it.

I wouldn't attempt an Everest without at least 2 Garmins, both running off a power bank - a usb cable with the data wire shorted will keep them charged while in use.

It's a goal of mine to do this one day, but there are no feasible hills nearby. I'll probably lay claim to a French mountain on holiday next year. Plenty to choose from and much easier to do a few repeats than the 200 needed on my local hills.


I assume this means climbing over the height of Everest in one ride? (The website doesn't seem to say this in words of one syllable.)
You have to climb the equivalent of Everest (8,848m total elevation gain) by repeatedly riding up the same ascent, turning round, descending and doing it all over again ad nauseum.


Legendary Member
I would love to have go but I live i Denmark. Our highest point is 101 metres and I would get dizzy just going up and down.


Kilometre nibbler
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
So , he was over the time limit by 3 hours?!! (or am I misunderstanding something?) Maybe he should have gone for a bigger hill!!
Funny, I too thought that was the rule, but apparently not ...
Everesting rules said:
It does not matter how long the ride takes, but it must be ridden in one attempt (i.e. no sleeping in between). Breaks for meals etc. are fine. You can break for as long or as little as you like. Bear in mind break times add up quickly, and can add significantly to your elapsed time.



Kilometre nibbler
Lighten up guys, its for cheriddee!

He did say in his initial press release that he was aiming for 24 hrs.

There are probably several sets of self important busybodies who are promoting conflicting versions of the one and only set of "official" rules.

I'm impressed enough as it is. I don't know Berlin terribly well, but it's always struck me as a bit of a flat place. I know it's built on marshy ground because they have to pump a lot of groundwater out of the foundations of any new buildings, so to find a hill in or near Berlin big enough to do that must have meant a lot of riding.

The hill he chose was called the Teufelsberg, but I don't know how big it is. There are about a zillion strava segments with that name.
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