Exercise Bikes

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Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Thinking of getting one for a bit of training when the weathers bad. I commute to work in all weathers but dont usually ride for fitness/fun in wet weather.

Are they worth having and what types can anyone recommend please.


My Armchair
I have one,but find it extremely boring tbh,it gets used more as a clothes hanger now

Saying that so does my treadmill,sit up machine,rower etc


Well-Known Member
Got a turbo trainer which is usefull but the cross trainer is better IMO.

Ask Lardyboy about his turbo-trainer. His measures power output which is very useful indeed.

Turbo-training can be a bit dull mind. I keep a one hour playlist in my ipod. 20 mins of slow start but getting faster rock tracks to warm up, then 10 mins really fast balls out rock (think Motorhead here), 10 mins fairly quick tempo recovery, 10 more mins bollocks out stuff then 10 mins cool down. You'll feel like you've gone out for 3 hrs with Stewie! No bullshit - it's a really hard session and will keep the strength up in the Winter.


New Member
I find a turbo is nice for when you dont have time to go out or just want a high intensity hour without fuss. (weather shouldnt be an issue! mtfu :tongue:)

No doubt I will be the first of many to recommend the sufferfest videos (http://www.thesufferfest.com/)

They are structured workouts with video of tour riders. Very fun(for turbo training) and VERY hard. (I pop them on a USB stick, into the PS3, then play them on my nice big TV screen!)

I think when it comes to turbo training, you have to be very motivated to train, and most cannot do more than an hour before going insane.


Squat Member
Got a turbo trainer which is usefull but the cross trainer is better IMO.


Yes it can be boring but with todays plethora of mp3 players or tv programs/dvd's etc you should be able to be entertained long enough to fit a 40min+ workout. Help keep fitness levels high IMO, definitely advise getting one especially for winter they are great!


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Thanks for replies and the link to sufferfest.

Have bought an exercise bike , were both going to use it. Interesting watching the heart beat go up/down. Have never used a monitor before.

Did about 15 minutes and had a fair sweat on even on an easy level.Lots of programs to play around with ,should help beat the winter blues and keep the fitness level up a bit. Not the same buzz as a real ride though but it is nice having the road to myself:rolleyes:


Squat Member
As long as your happy with it Banjo!

You get sweaty faster on them indoor bikes as you dont give yourself coasting/downhill breaks and probably don't have the 'wind' facility like a real ride gives. For keeping the fitness up and being able to ride at any opportunity it can only help.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
I agree about the cross trainer but I do have an exercise bike as well for bad weather times.:biggrin:


Its been peeing down here for the couple of days since we bought it.

Have done 3 half hour sessions doing half mile at 15mph half mile at 20 then half mile at 25 then back to 15 in rotation. Also now learned how to put a "hill" in the ride so did that on the last session.Been drenched in sweat each time so must be doing some good and my bikes arent covered in crap.

Ben M

Senior Member
Its been peeing down here for the couple of days since we bought it.

Have done 3 half hour sessions doing half mile at 15mph half mile at 20 then half mile at 25 then back to 15 in rotation. Also now learned how to put a "hill" in the ride so did that on the last session.Been drenched in sweat each time so must be doing some good and my bikes arent covered in crap.

But now your lounge is smelling like a gym no doubt? :tongue:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Turbo-training can be a bit dull mind. I keep a one hour playlist in my ipod. 20 mins of slow start but getting faster rock tracks to warm up, then 10 mins really fast balls out rock (think Motorhead here), 10 mins fairly quick tempo recovery, 10 more mins bollocks out stuff then 10 mins cool down. You'll feel like you've gone out for 3 hrs with Stewie! No bullshit - it's a really hard session and will keep the strength up in the Winter.
That's the kind of thing I do, except I'm old-school - I use a big 'ghetto-blaster' rather than an iPod!

No cooling wind indoors. Turbos in summer are a sweatfest. I'd get a big fan and stick it in front of you on full. Even in winter I usually keep the window open as well.
I warm up with the fan off, switch it to half power when I'm warmed up, then full power when really go for it. I use my gym bike in an unheated room so in the winter I start off with several layers on top. By the time I'm really putting a big effort in, the layers come off and the fan is on full and I still sweat buckets. 

My first turbo trainer rusted through because I only wiped the top of it post-session. The sweat was dripping round underneath and corroding it from below!
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