Famous people you have seen (and where)

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New Member
North London
A few years ago, in a busy cafe in Wellington, I saw American alternative rock legend Lou Barlow (Dinosaur Jr, Sebadoh, The Folk Implosion) with his Mrs, peering in through the window. As I said, the cafe was busy so they went somewhere else...
Angus and Malcolm Young, Next door, Weensland Terrace, Hawick. 1976 & 1977


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Bill Gates - Lisbon 1998 - received a £10,000 from him for creating what was judged to be the most exciting educational web site in the UK for the Microsoft Road Ahead competition.

Kim Howells - education mister at the time

Lord Sainsbury - science and technology minister

Brian Cox - ex-D:ream now professor of Physics

Helen Sharman - astronaut

Baroness Greenfield - neuroscientist and ex president of the Royal Institution.


New Member
vernon said:
Brian Cox - ex-D:ream now professor of Physics

....and now a very good TV presenter(on science related subjects of course). :biggrin:

I was on a flight back to London from Amsterdam in 1990 with the Ramones - didn't speak to them but they were very quite, well mannered(to stewards) and unstereotypical rockstar like. :ohmy:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Fnaar said:
Was Charlie-boy having a tab? :biggrin:

No of course not, he has somebody to smoke for him... only socially of course :ohmy:

Oh, bumped into Kim Wilde on a ferry and chatted to her band andon the subject of bumping also bumped into Chris Bonnington and had a chat with him at the enterance to the Novotel Birmingham Airport. One of my heroes!


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
bauldbairn said:
....and now a very good TV presenter(on science related subjects of course). :girl:

He's always been a leading advocate for popularising science with people. I was involved with an initiative at Sheffield Hallam University which recruited the high and mighty in science and technology to speak to and enthrall young people with a view of increasing the number of youngsters going on to do science and technology degrees.

My last encounter with him was at Sheffield University around 10 years ago. He was talking about his works and showed a music video of him and a bad, possibly D:ream playing in one of the satellite dishes at Jodrell Bank.

All the science related people that I listed in an earlier post were encoiuntered in placed like the Royal Institution and Russell League Universities' conference centres.


Senior Member
The Queen - concert in Newbury
Duchess of Kent - Newbury Spring Festival
Rowan Atkinson - son sang in the new year at his 2000 party
Norman Lamont - in the house seats at Christ Church Cathedral Oxford.
Maggie and Dennis Thatcher - at St. Paul's Cathedral (150th Anniversary service of the founding of Christ Church New Zealand.)
Anne Diamond - sons in same year at school
Anton Rogers - taught his sons
Kevin Maxwell- taught his children briefly


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Sitting outside the Cadgwith Cove Inn on the Lizard in Cornwall, I noticed a beautiful woman who looked strangely familiar, but could not work out why. A couple of minutes later, I realised that it was the girlfriend of a flatmate from thirty years ago. I gave a huge smile and went to introduce myself . Half way to her table, I realised it was not the friend from the past, but the lovely Jenny Agutter.

I felt like a complete and utter prat.

hackbike 666



New Member
vernon said:
He's always been a leading advocate for popularising science with people.

He was on "Something for the Weekend" last Sunday and Sean Lock the other special guest didn't turn up. They spent the whole show "filling" by talking to him(BC) and asking the TV audience to e-mail questions about science. He seemed a very bright / intelligent / enthusiastic man and was completely in his element. :girl:


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
Jimmy Saville - coming out of a hotel in Scarborough
Lionel Blair (including leather trousers) giving us 'Gals' at high school a thrill
Sonia 'You'll Never Stop Me Loving You' midget singer
Hazel Dean
Carol Decker in a chippy in Blackpool.


New Member
George Hamilton The Fourth, Jimmy Savile in about 1976 on Blackpool prominade. They were raising money for RNLI I think?


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Nick Hancock - in the gents at a service station on the M1.
Billy Duffy at Brixton market.
The Dalai Lama at Edinburgh airport.
Gordon Brown at Edinburgh airport back when he was only the second most useless bloke in the country.
Esther Rantzen in Little Clarendon Street in Oxford.

Edit: Just remembered another Edinburgh airport one - Andrew Marr, and he was having a huge tantrum about not being allowed to take his bag through security as carry-on luggage - top class entertainment, thanks Andrew!

The MIL once literally bumped into Henry Cooper in Boots in Cardiff - she hit him with her handbag and told him to 'get out of the way'. Even funnier considering she was only about 5' nothing!
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