Films that make you go meh.

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Ian A

Über Member
Killing Me Softly.

I think a lot of this can be in relation to hype, reputation, awards etc. Lord of the Rings for me. Certainly not a bad film but in was difficult to see what all of the fuss was about.


True Grit (the new one)
True Grit (the original)

Jason Statham is for watching when you really want to turn your brain off

Hobbit was ok, but an hour too long
Lord of the Rings - loved them when they came out, but tried watching again and definite ho-hum, same with the Harry Potter

and any Clint Eastwood film since about 1970 except Unforgiven

Gran Torino was really good
Even at my most pretentious and despite my best efforts I could never really get any of those Peter Greenaway films like The Draftsman's Contract and The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover - all those violins sawing away while incomprehensible stuff was going on in glorious technicolour.
Peter Greenaway and Michael Nyman were well paired. Beautifully crafted but lightweight output from two artists who were nowhere near as talented as they thought they were.
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