Finally dipping my toe in the water....

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Active Member
I've been after a vintage bike as a project for a while, now after several failed bids I've landed myself a '53 Claud Butler All Rounder with it seems all original parts (only pedals I'm unsure of). It's definitely in need of some TLC but I've got plenty of time. Question is, where do I start? What do I do first? Frame has some pitting, it obviously needs some spit and polish but what do I use to bring the wheels, brakes etc back to life?
Please be gentle with me as I'm new to this restoration lark.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
The best thing to do would be to put up some pics and then we can get an idea of what needs to be done. I am not really an expert but it shouldn't take too much effort to get it into shape. Biggs682 has done a few of these and I am sure he will be along to offer his advice soon.


Active Member
How far do you want to go with it? Full restoration, sympathetic restoration, a make it usable restoration? So many choices.

My tip, set a budget and be sure to stick to it. These things, while extremely satisfying, do have a habit of taking your budget chewing it up and spitting it out.

Don't ask how I know this :whistle:


Active Member
Haha, I've almost let my budget get away with me just looking for the bike so I can see how a full restoration could get out of hand. I want to be able to ride it and think I'm more for the sympathetic restoration than a full restoration. I know there are a lot of opinions on this but I'd love to see it gleaming again and am tempted to have it repainted the original red wine colour but for now just gleaming and usable will be fine.
If it were me I'd completely strip it down and clean all the components, inspecting everything as I go.

Once you've got a bare frame I also like to treat the insides of the tubes to a coating of WAXOYL.

AUTOSOL is my preferred product for shining shiny things, but some people swear by scrunched up tinfoil as well.

Hopefully everything will be fine and you can then re-build it, although I suspect the Brooks saddle is beyond salvaging TBH, but you should be able to find someone selling a B17 that would finish it off for you. This would probably be your biggest outlay I'd suspect, but you can get Brooks lookalikey saddles as well if you're not that fussed.

I'd change the bottom bracket, headset bearings, fit all new cables, (inners & outers), new tyres, tubes, rimtape and new brake blocks. Oh and I'd also fit new bartape and try and find some hoods for the levers as well.

It might sound a lot but none of this will break the bank and will definitely get the bike into a fit and usable state for you.

Have fun, it is very enjoyable, and once it's finished you'll have a warm glow about what you've achieved :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Before you start getting too excited check to see if you can get the seatpost moving. If you can't you might have a struggle on your hands! It looks as if there is a shim between the post and seat tube. There is a lot of work there. I should get it ride-able and then decide what you want to do with the frame, that will be the most costly part if you go for a full respray. Replacement decals are available on line. Nice lugs.


Active Member
Well picked it up today and have to say so far pretty happy. Frame size is perfect for me. Seat post comes out no problem (no shim), bottom bracket feels ok and chain set, at a glance, seems in pretty good shape. Headset feels very notchy, front hub is turning but not very freely, rear tyre is split and rear wheel is out of true but as a project goes if the bearing beds are ok I'll stoked.


Active Member
Ok folks. Stripping down has begun and first stumbling block reached. I can't seem to shift the handle bar stem. Am I right in thinking this probably has an expander nut in the bottom? If so how to I loosen it? Also assuming I can get this out without loosening the headset nuts? If I have to loosen these first how do I stop them gouging the stem? Here's a photo of the offending item.


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South Liverpool
I would suggest penetrating fluid...WD40, Plusgas...etc. applied liberally from above around the expander bolt shaft, and also the interface between the stem and headset. Then up-end the bike and apply more of the same through the (hopefully present) opening leading straight through the fork crown into the steerer tube. Probably leave to soak overnight.

Then try to remove the stem again. Persuasion with a mallet or hammer (with block of wood) to "shock" the expander bolt at various points around the headtube may be necessary.

Without direct experience on a bike of quite this vintage I'm happy to be corrected, but that's what I'd do ^_^


Touch it up and ride it
and if its stuck solid cut through just above top locknut and drill remaining section out with a good quality 22mm high speed drill bit , daunting at first but gets easier each time on my 4 th one now


Eh up
Ok folks. Stripping down has begun and first stumbling block reached. I can't seem to shift the handle bar stem. Am I right in thinking this probably has an expander nut in the bottom? If so how to I loosen it? Also assuming I can get this out without loosening the headset nuts? If I have to loosen these first how do I stop them gouging the stem? Here's a photo of the offending item.

Have you whacked the bolt on the top after you have loosened it ? if not try that to loosen the wedge at the bottom.


Active Member
Update; expansion nut is now loose but stem is stuck fast. Can I just muscle it and start it turning against the fork? Will this loosen it or just damage everything? I would like to keep the stem if at all possible.
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