First commute since November 2010

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Active Member
absoloutley loved it, it was so so so nice to get back in the saddle, i have to admit i have been very very lazy, i dont have a car but a lad from work has been picking me up and dropping me off, and it is so easy to say"pick us up in the morning"..........
no more though lol, i even set off 30 minutes earlier than i should of done just to get more cycling in this morning


I do have a car and some mornings it is difficult to cycle past it, but once on the way always enjoy the 7 miles to work, don't mind light rain but shy away from the heavy stuff, wearing glasses don't help especially in the dark the rain makes visibility pretty bad.

Liking the daylight now though.


Über Member
I think the worst part is actually leaving the house, especially on a cold morning. Once you've been cycling for a couple of minutes its fine.


New Member
My worst part is the 6" deep boggy mud I discovered on my route last month when I tried to restart my commute earlier in the year than normal :sad:
I had to give it up as a bad idea and get the Vespa back on the road (I've decided to SORN the car this year and see if I can do without it).


Active Member
I think the worst part is actually leaving the house, especially on a cold morning. Once you've been cycling for a couple of minutes its fine.

i totally agree with that bit of your quote."I think the worst part is actually leaving the house"
when its lashing down with rain and your in the house ready to get commuting, your thinking i dont wanna go out, but once your out you aint bothered about rain, wind, and all the stuff thrown at you.
i would love to see a day when all motor vehicle is banned for a week, and people have to find other non motor transport for work, i bet that would be an awesome week lol
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