First ride of 2009....?

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hehehe just did a quick 4 miles but had a mishap when my chain jumped off at the rear - causing me to curse very loudly! Ho hum, a job for tomorrow.


Living Legend & Old Fart
I left home at 0645, slightly later than I normally would, for a quick 25kms ride. It was cool by Bangkok standards 27°C (80°F), a bit windy but traffic free.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
I only did 12miles today. Was hilly though, i went down a long hill into Woodborough, then up a long hill into Calverton, down a steep hill into calverton, turned around in some road, then back up the steep hill i had just been down, down the hill into Woodborough, then up Bank Hill onto Mapperly top, and powered along all the way home.
Was a good ride, doing a longer one tomorrow to get my milage started for the year:becool:


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
..just got in from th efirst loop of th enew year for me...usual 40km....cold...damp...carrying to many excess mince pies and beers...struggling in some places I normally cruise...time to get back to normal.


Done 40kms - and I got a punc. not happy considering the temp. always make you wonder when that happens I was on emergency mode...I had 3 good layers on the upper it sorted as quick as poss. then. on my way ~ good job I had lights as it was going dark when I got back too...

Hopefully the punc. will be the sign of a good start as in gettqing it out the way...


New Member
Out for the club run Sunday, trying a new cafe stop at Dinton Pastures, near Winnersh Triangle, for those living in the Royal County sort of Reading way. Hope it has warmed up a bit by then Brrrrrrrrrr.


Lover of things that come in 3's
well my plan for 2009 is to build up to my full commute, 18 miles each way, and lose some of the extra 70lbs I carry. Started today with a 7 mile ride at lunchtime, on my 'Gents Albany Freespirit', new bike arrives next week. Ride was a loop from home and takes in a big(by my current standards) hill, plus a longish uphill drag. Wore a merino t shirt base layer and the bright yellow Altura Nightvision, cycle shorts, jogging bottoms over the top and thermal fleece gloves. In my current state that is enough to keep me toasty, but do want to get a jersey/windproof to wear rather than the jacket, for the dry weather. Just worried about not having bright yellow, still scared of the traffic.

Took me 35 minutes which, considering last night, I was delighted with. Nothing compared to others on this site but I felt a sneaking pride at forcing myself out today. Also enjoyed my roast dinner a lot more this afternoon:biggrin:
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