First Scratch

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Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
My colleague used to say that the first thing you should do when you get a new car is to put a minor scratch in a slightly out-of-the-way place. If not, you will spend the first few weeks/months worrying about getting your first scratch, and then get really upset when it happens, so you might as well get the pain over as soon as possible.

Anyway, bought a bike a couple of weeks ago, and had my first incident last night on the way home.

A couple of kids were flying down the hillside on the grass in the park, straight across the cycle path. I thought that they would miss, but one swerved to the right instead of the left on seeing me, and collided with my front wheel, taking us both off, but him at speed onto his backside, and me just onto my feet. No damage to me apart from a bruise on my left hand, and he said he was OK, but didn't want to stand up. Said "sorry" several times, and promised to take more care, so I didn't want to shout at him. No front brake either, so told him to sort that out.

So the result was a bent wheel, which I spend last night truing up again, as well as removing the few mud splashes on the frame.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
BrumJim said:
as well as removing the few mud splashes on the frame.

Wow, that really is a new bike.

I've had Chitty for many, many years and only got around to cleaning her properly this week.

I'm so ashamed.
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